Published October 10, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Theopea guoi Lee & Bezdĕk 2019, sp. nov.


Theopea guoi sp. nov.

(Figs 8D, 8E, 10)

Types (n= 5). Holotype ♂ (BMNH), MALAYSIA. Sarawak: Lundu, I.1914, leg. G. E. Bryant. Paratypes. 2♂♂, 1♀ (BMNH), same data as holotype.

Description. Length 6.3–7.2 mm, width 2.5–2.8 mm. General color (Figs 8D, 8E) bluish black, elytra metallic blue; antennomeres I–III black, IV–XI white or pale yellow; maxillary palpi white. Antennae filiform (Fig. 10A) in males, length ratios of antennomeres I–XI 1.0: 0.3: 0.8: 0.9: 1.0: 0.9: 0.9: 0.8: 0.8: 0.8: 1.1, length to width ratios of antennomeres I–XI 3.0: 1.0: 2.8: 3.0: 3.2: 2.7: 2.6: 2.6: 2.6: 2.8: 4.3; relatively shorter in females (Fig. 10B), length ratios of antennomeres I–IX (X & XI lost) 1.0: 0.3: 0.7: 0.7: 0.8: 0.8: 0.8: 0.7: 0.8, length to width ratios of antennomeres I–IX 3.4: 1.5: 2.5: 2.7: 2.9: 2.7: 2.7: 2.4: 2.8. Elytra elongate and parallelsided, 1.7x longer than wide; disc with dense, coarse punctures, arranged into longitudinal rows, with one distinct longitudinal ridge between two longitudinal rows of punctures, but basally abbreviated. Tarsomeres I of front legs swollen in males. Aedeagus (Figs 10 C–10E) extremely slender, 11.1x longer than wide; parallel-sided, but slightly narrowed at apical 1/5, apically narrow from apical 1/8, apex narrowed rounded; tectum well sclerotized, slender, apex acute, basally broadened from apical 1/16 to 1/5; strongly curved near apex in lateral view; ventral surface with hollow, elongate area from near apex to apical 1/5, basal notch closed. triangular sclerites absent; internal sac with one median, elongate sclerite, about 0.4x as long as aedeagus, apically tapering, sides dorsally and ventrally covered with longitudinal row of slender setae, apically connected with three hook-like sclerites. Gonocoxae (Fig. 10G) elongate, widest at apical 1/10, both gonocoxae combined together from basal 1/6 to apical 1/8; apices narrowly rounded, each gonocoxa with eight setae along outer margin from apex to apical 1/5; with one pair of short lateral processes at basal 2/5. Ventrite VIII (Fig. 10F) elongate and well sclerotized; disc with several long setae laterally and near apical margin, and with dense, short setae along apical margin; spiculum extremely slender. Receptacle of spermatheca (Fig. 10H) strongly swollen; pump slender and strongly curved; proximal spermathecal duct deeply inserted into receptacle, narrow and short.

Diagnosis. Members of this new species may be recognized easily by the yellow antennomeres IV–XI (yellow antennomeres VIII or IX to XI in other species). The aedeagi of males of T. guoi sp. nov. are characterized by the non-apically narrowed and rounded apex (apically narrowed and truncate apex in T. sabahensis sp. nov. and T. lui sp. nov., or wide apex in T. flavipalpis), and presence ventral longitudinal rows of slender setae (lacking ventral longitudinal rows of slender setae in other species).

Etymology. The new species is dedicated to Mr. Bo-Xin Guo, as a member of TCRT for his contribution to diversity of leaf beetles.

Distribution. Malaysia: Sarawak. One male specimen (BMNH) was labeled as follow: “FED. MALAY STATES: / 1909. / C.J.Brooks / B.M. 1931-570.”. The Federated Malay States (FMS) was a federation of four protected states in the Malay Peninsula—Selangor, Perak, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang—established by the British government in 1895, which lasted until 1946. No specimens were found from the Malay Peninsula except this one. Thus, this specimen may be mislabeled.


Published as part of Lee, Chi-Feng & Bezdĕk, Jan, 2019, Revision of the genus Theopea Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) in Sundaland and the Philippines: Redefinition of the genus, pp. 451-507 in Zootaxa 4683 (4) on pages 471-473, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4683.4.1,


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Collection code
Scientific name authorship
Lee & Bezdĕk
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Taxonomic concept label
Theopea guoi Lee & Bezdĕk, 2019