Published January 20, 2016 | Version v1.1
Software Open

Replication code for: Whole-body Continuously Moving Table Fat-Water MRI with Dynamic B0 Shimming at 3 Tesla

  • 1. Vanderbilt University


The purpose of this work was to develop a rapid and robust whole-body fat-water magnetic resonance imaging (FWMRI) method using a continuously moving table (CMT) with dynamic field corrections at 3 Tesla. CMT FWMRI was developed at 3 Tesla with a multi-echo golden angle (GA) radial trajectory and dynamic B0 field shimming. Whole-body imaging was performed with 4 echoes and superior-inferior coverage of 1.8 meters without shims in 90 seconds. GA sampling allowed high quality whole-body FWMRI from multi-echo CMT data. Dynamic B0 shimming greatly improved field homogeneity in the body and produced high quality water and fat only images as well as fat signal fraction and R2* relaxivity maps.


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