Published January 31, 2021 | Version 1
Report Open

Deliverable 3.1 and 4.1 - Country-based policy briefings on migration-related social and economic policies


This document presents the impact assessments of a range of policies on migrants’ interaction with the social and economic structure of the remote and rural areas in the MATILDE countries – Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and in the United Kingdom.

Each report includes firstly a systematic gathering of information on existing policies that have a direct/indirect impact on migrants’ interaction with the social economic structure of remote and rural areas. This includes also those policies that were not designed for this purpose but nonetheless contribute to shape such an interaction. The information for this task has been collected by means of desk research and informants’ interviews.

Secondly, for each country we carried out a meta-analysis/literature review on the existing literature/research that has focused on assessing traditional and foundational economics as well as social migrants’ impact in rural and remote areas in their country of settlement. The overall purpose of the meta-analysis was to pick up those elements that extant studies have indicated as drivers or barriers to social/economic integration and development. This review focuses on recent research – notably those produced in the last 10years – however it may include relevant research produced outside that period.

Thirdly, each report includes an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the policies and services explored through semi-structured interviews. A range of stakeholders has been consulted in gathering this information on the migration-related policies and governance in the socio-economic realm – policy makers and public officers, public service providers, practitioners and organizations working on migration related fields, social policies and territorial planning, experts/scholars, (social) entrepreneurs (both TCN and native) and other relevant stakeholder (e.g. unions’ representatives, employers’ organization leaders, etc.).

Finally, each country report includes two separate conclusions, describing if and how policy related factors act on the one side on the migrants’ impact into the country economy and on the other on their social inclusion/impact. This final section also includes an inventory of good practices.


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European Commission
MATILDE – Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Areas 870831