Koranic Science, a Commentary [82]
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- al-Qurʼān القرآن الكريم
- This manuscript is now IO Islamic B284 in the India Office collections.
- [metadata: Otto Loth, A Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, (volume 1), no. 82 here with further notations and hyperlinks].
B 284. Size 101/2 in. by 71/2 in.; foll. 633. Twenty or seventeen lines in a page.
Jalâl al-dîn SUYÛṬÎ’S (d. A. H. 911) Annotations on Baiḍâwî’s Commentary, entitled نواهد الابکار و شوارد1 الافکار. Cf. Ḥ. Kh. i. 474.
The author relates in his long and very polemical preface (fol. 2v.) that he compiled his work chiefly from the glosses on the Kashshâf, and from several grammatical works, viz. the two تذکرة, by Abu ‘Alî Fârisî and by Ibn Hishâm, some treatises of Ibn Jinnî, the امالی of Ibn Shajarî and of Ibn Ḥâjib, and others. He is very prolix in the beginning of his work. The annotations on Sûrahs 1-11, on which the author used to lecture during the years A.H. 880-890, occupy more than three quarters of the volume.
Plainly written in two different hands. The first leaf is wanting. Beginning: والعلامة شرف الدین. The final leaves are much injured.
Cat. p. 221, i. 6.
1 The MS. (fol. 2v.) has شواهد.
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