Published January 28, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Traditional And Electronic Environmental Media And Its Role In Spreading Environmental Awareness (the Role Of The Media In Developing Environmental Awareness)

  • 1. Research Center in Islamic Sciences and Civilization, Algeria


In this research paper, we try to address the issue of environmental media, by clarifying the relationship between the media organization and preserving the environment by clarifying the environmental media message in an effective way, as environmental media remains an integral part of the economic industry, as the media and the economy are in a multi-faceted and lasting partnership. Able to persuade members of society to adopt positive environmental behaviors that would achieve the goals of sustainable development. In this study, we touched upon three main elements through which we tried to study environmental media in all its aspects, whether the conceptual framework of environmental information, in addition to the role of environmental media in spreading environmental awareness, and the third element dealt with the obstacles and challenges facing the achievement of environmental media goals. Also, at the end of the study, we reached a set of findings and recommendations.


Traditional and electronic environmental media and its role in spreading environmental awareness (the role of the media in developing environmental awareness)..pdf

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