Published July 22, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Banking reforms and the extent to which commercial banks respond to them

  • 1. Faculty of Economic, Business and Management Sciences, Taheri Muhammad University Bechar - Algeria


This study aimed to shed light on the various reforms and amendments adopted by the Algerian authorities to reform the banking system, so that various laws, regulations and instructions regulating the work of banks in Algeria were exposed, as a result of studying the Cash and Loan Law, which was a major transformation in the history of the Algerian banking sector so that it brought changes Radical aimed at regulating banking activity and reactivating financial intermediation, as was also referred to the various laws, regulations and instructions that followed the issuance of the law and loan, so that the last of them was System No. 18-03. In this study, the reality of Algerian banks in light of banking reforms was also examined in order to clarify the extent of the response of Algerian banks to these reforms. After the reality of the current structure of the Algerian banking system was clarified, the structure of deposits and the size of loans were analyzed during the period 2006-2017, and profitability was also evaluated, The solvency and liquidity of Algerian banks, and the study reached several results, the most prominent of which was that the banks' reform processes led to improving their performance in the area of profitability and risk management and the solvency of their capital, but they are still not sufficient to comply with international standards


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