Published December 29, 2013 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Getto jako narracja antysemicka [Ghetto as anti-Semitic narrative]

  • 1. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie


In the text the author attempts to describe the language identity of ghetto in the anti-Semitic discourse, in which the demands of “ghettoization” of the Jews returned in the 30’s of the twentieth century, also in Poland. Before the rise of the shameful wall, before the “Nazi Jewish Quarter” will be the vestibule of hell, the ghetto turns out to be a language construct in a radical right wing of journalism, built by stunts available not only in journalism, but in the language of fiction able to create worlds, in this case – of totalitarian future. It is almost a phantasm, “the place of the intention”, while the language, which “describes” / “imagines” the anti- Semitism by the anti-Semites themselves, is benefited by “creating not directly”, by a future designation (as it results in the plan of the Nazi ghetto settlement).

The ghetto as a phantasm, synecdoche, metaphor, symbol; Jews as dehumanised by language space creatures – create a “comfortable” for the anti-Semites and anti- Semitic discourse concept, in which the Jew, as an identity, as I, is less and less concrete, deprived of individualism with time – with plots – starting to mean pure Evil. The place, however, in which are the Jews settled by the totalitarian imagination is (despite the ambiguity of its defining strategies available in the anti-Semitic journalism), paradoxically, more and more specific, although the language generating discursive ambiguity – in line with the inhuman plan of totalitarian history, will begin in a moment to be implemented in the occupied Europe.



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