Published January 18, 2021 | Version v1
Other Open

D2.1 Policies, Practices and Strategies of cultural tourism in Europe

  • 1. University of Aberdeen, Scotland


Purpose and scope of the deliverable:
This is a framework report on Policies, Practices and Strategies. All partners have contributed material used in the production of the report which is described in the Work Programme as D2.1.
This report seeks to establish a benchmark. With so much in flux, a starting point for identifying sig-nificant policy change is necessary. The benchmark is set at the outset of the project, approximately Q1 (January to March 2020), before the impact of COVID-19 and before the onset/impact of the new Programming Period. As a benchmark, the report seeks to be descriptive; there is no attempt at this stage to introduce any evaluation into the document; nor is there an intention to ’cluster’ case studies or countries – each case stands on its own merit. The attention to policy detail at Case Study level is relatively light. Here we are describing the Policy Framework. Detailed work on the Case Studies will take place later in the project when we have access to survey data and can view the emerging policies following the current hiatus in tourism.
This is the first stage of the policy theme running through the three years of SPOT - the Social and Innovative Platform on Cultural Tourism and its Potential towards Deepening Europeanisation.

This Framework Paper consists of four parts:
Part One:
The Executive Summary
Part Two:
The report on Policies, Practices and Strategies for each of the 15 partners (= Appendix A – Exploration of the Policy Framework)
Part Three:
A spreadsheet showing broad themes for each of the partners (= Appendix B)
Part Four:
A list of the sources used in preparing the report


D2.1 Policies, Practices and Strategies of cultural tourism in Europe.pdf

Additional details


European Commission
SPOT – Social and innovative Platform On cultural Tourism and its potential towards deepening Europeanisation 870644