SticsRPacks/SticsRFiles: SticsRFiles 0.2.0 (2020-01-15)
- 1. CIRAD
- 2. INRA, UMR 1114 EMMAH
General changes
- Suggests: formatR, readxl
- added missing packages: curl, tidyr, tibble
- license changed to License for CeCILL-C
- Travis configuration removed
- Travis badge removed
- Github Actions R-CMD-check badge added
- useless functions have been removed
- some functions have been renamed or generalized
- new ones added for : get_var_info, get_obs, get_daily_results, force_param_values
- test-get*: now using get_examples_path function, some fixes
- vignettes and tutorial: anchor_sections set to FALSE, fixes on warnings and errors, using paged html tables
- functions help: content fixes and completion (parameters, examples, setting examples to dontrun, ...)
- exported/unexported functions list
- CRAN issues for checks
Automatic testing:
- Github Actions added for checks
- Travis checks removed
- SticsRTest Travis tests triggering removed
get_obs, get_daily_results: removed useless columns from return, simplification
download_usm_xl, download_usm_csv: added verbose argument for masquing warnings/displays, added overwritting case
read_params_table : new function for getting parameters tables either from csv files or excel files sheets
get_param_txt: added varieties management, earlier return when param is null, catching names ending with numerical indices, get varietal parameter, reading now parameters attached to several layers or fertilizations, added examples files for Stics version 8.5
Manipulating_Stics_XML_files.Rmd: using XML file for the last model version for displaying files fragments as examples
get_stics_versions_compat, manage_stics_versions.R: added NA management in data
get_file: added plant names in output (for obs and daily data), fixed issue and tests added for intercropping case
get_daily_results: renamed class attribute to cropr_simulation, use of tibble::as_tibble(), mixed calculation using get_plants_nb, always returns a list, added optional usm_name arg, uses now get_plant_name instead, added javastics_path argument if plant files are located in it, dual variables name syntax (i.e. lai_n or lai(n) for example), taking into account intercrops management
functions refactoring for getting observations and daily outputs
get_var_info: now using partial matching on name column also
static_help: new function for generating html files from package functions help, some fixes and updates for vignettes
new function for downloading csv files from examples
new functions for managing model versions information and examples
get_obs* functions: fixes and optimization, added associated data and tests
force_param_values: fix for one line tibble
set_param_xml: output dir checking
force_param_values: new function for forcing model parameters
get_report_results: new function for extracting data from reports files
get_param_info: added using of a specific XML file, attribute for Stics version, unique for parameters names list, building a filter before dplyr::filter
functions added to manage Stics versions data
get_obs, get_plant_name: using usms.xml file outside of a Stics workspace, parsing mixed crops, file checking,usms_list renamed as usm_name
gen_*_xml functions: fix for usms name column
get_plant_name: getting now plant files list outside mapply call
get_param_value: returns a named list even if only one parameter, fix for param_name nb > 1, without parameters names in args;returned for each file
xmlDocument class: fix for checking ids validity
removed useless scripts for generating XML files
get_plants_nb: is now an interface to get either plants number from an xml file or a text file, returning an usms named vector
download_data: fix select
gen_usms_xml2txt: silent error when blanks in workspace_path, fix javastics workspace use,
get_stics_versions_compat: all data as character, study_case_1 added
gen_usms_obs: added usms_list
All functions code and help now using the get_examples_path function
get_examples_path: new function for getting files examples according to their type (txt, XML, csv,...) and embedded Stics versions data
gen_varmod: forcing to add variable not in Stics output variables for a given version, now checks if a variable exists, dual variable syntax (i.e. lai_n or lai(n))
set_param_txt: set value per soil layer, per variety
get_usms_files: taking into account 2 plant files folders (but without duplicates checks), taking into account varieties management
get_usms_list: returns now a character vector of usms names
get_param_xml: without parameters names in args;returned for each file, name of the XML file added to the output
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