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Published August 31, 2020 | Version 02
Project deliverable Open

Report on potential return on investments: Cost-benefit analysis of potential EU fleet investments in selected Case Studies


The overarching objective of the FarFish project is to provide knowledge, tools and methods to support responsible, sustainable and profitable EU fisheries outside European waters, both within the jurisdiction (EEZ) of non-EU coastal states as well as in international waters / high seas. In order to achieve this the FarFish project has produced this report with the aim to identify, study and potentially recommend investment opportunities for EU operators within some of the project’s case study countries.

This report studies investment opportunities within the small pelagic fisheries in Mauritanian waters, and the associated value chains, as well as the tuna fish pole and line fishery by the coast of the Atlantic Façade of Africa (mainly SW - Senegal), and the associated value chains. Also, a section is dedicated to investigating the specific case of investment of French capital in tuna fisheries in Seychelles in the Indian Ocean.


FarFish D5.3 Report on potential return on investments in CSs_2.0.pdf

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FarFish – Responsive Results-Based Management and capacity building for EU Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement- and international waters 727891
European Commission