Published January 13, 2021
| Version 0.1
Dissociation of task engagement and arousal effects in auditory cortex and midbrain -- dataset.
- 1. Oregon Health and Science University
- 2. Washington State University, Vancouver
Single neuron data recorded from auditory cortex and midbrain during a tone detection behavior were used to dissociate effects of generalized arousal (as measured by pupil) and specific task engagement on auditory neural coding. These data are provided open-access accompanying the publication: D. Saderi, Z.P. Schwartz, C.R. Heller, J.R. Pennington, S.V. David. (2020) Dissociation of task engagement and arousal effects in auditory cortex and midbrain. bioRxiv. 2020.06.16.155432. Available at:
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