Published December 15, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Thalpomena algeriana subsp. algeriana algeriana (Lucas 1849

  • 1. Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science of Tunis, University Tunis El Manar, 2092 El Manar Tunis (Tunisia); Laboratory of Bioagressors and Integrated Protection in Agriculture (BPIA), National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia, University of Cartage, 43 Avenue Charles Nicolle, Tunis 1082 (Tunisia) and Institut de Systématique, Évolution et Biodiversité (ISYEB), Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, CNRS UPMC EPHE UA, 57 rue Cuvier, case postale 50, 75231 Paris Cedex 05 (France) haithem. tlili @ fst. utm. tn / haithem. tlili @ mnhn. fr (corresponding author)
  • 2. Department of biological sciences and plants protection, Higher Agronomic Institute of Chott Mariem, Sousse University B. P 47, 4042 Chott Mériem Sousse-Tunis (Tunisia)
  • 3. Institut de Systématique, Évolution et Biodiversité (ISYEB), Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, CNRS UPMC EPHE UA, 57 rue Cuvier, case postale 50, 75231 Paris Cedex 05 (France)
  • 4. Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences of Gabes, University of Gabes, Gabes (Tunisia) Laboratory of Livestock and wildlife, Arid Land Institute, Djorf Street, 4119 Medenine (Tunisia)
  • 5. Department of Nature and Life Sciences, University of Biskra, BP 145 RP, 07000 Biskra (Algeria)
  • 6. Laboratory of Bioagressors and Integrated Protection in Agriculture (BPIA), National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia, University of Cartage, 43 Avenue Charles Nicolle, Tunis 1082 (Tunisia)
  • 7. Institut de Systématique, Évolution et Biodiversité (ISYEB), Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, CNRS UPMC EPHE UA, 57 rue Cuvier, case postale 50, 75231 Paris Cedex 05 (France) * Last co-authors with equal rank


Thalpomena algeriana algeriana (Lucas, 1849)

(Fig. 56)

Oedipoda algeriana Lucas, 1849b: 34.

Thalpomena algeriana – Saussure 1884: 184.

Thalpomena algeriana algeriana – Dirsh 1949a: 366. — Massa 1999: 78.

TYPE SPECIMEN. — Algeria • ♀; holotype; Kouba; MNHN.

DISTRIBUTION. — Algeria (Moussi et al. 2018); Tunisia (Massa 1999).


MATERIAL EXAMINED. Algeria • 1 ♀; holotype; Kouba; H. Lucas; MNHN-EO-CAELIF538.

Tunisia • 1 ♀; Beja, Bechouk; 12.II.2017; W. Bedoui; MNHN-EO-CAELIF 4712 • 1 ♂; Hammam Lif; 1901; J. de Gaulle; MNHN-EO-CAELIF3777 • 1 ♂; Tunis; 1901; J. de Gaulle; MNHN-EO-CAELIF3778 • 1♀; Jendouba, Ain Draham; 1889; S. Seurat; MNHN-EO-CAELIF3779.

Algeria • 1 ♀; Oran; 14.II.1880; MNHN-EO-CAELIF9146.


HABITAT. — Rocky, dry and sunny places (Chopard 1943).


Published as part of Tlili, Haithem, Abdellaoui, Khemais, Chintauan-Marquier, Ioana C., Chouikha, Manel Ben, Moussi, Abdelhamid, Ammar, Mohamed & Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure, 2020, Checklist and taxonomic updates in grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Caelifera) of central and southwestern Tunisia with new records and a key for species identification, pp. 607-738 in Zoosystema 42 (31) on page 704, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2020v42a31,


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  • LUCAS P. H. 1849 a. - Exploration Scientifique de l'Algerie: Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articules. Les Orthopteres 3: 1 - 39.
  • LUCAS P. H. 1849 b. - Histoire naturelle des animaux articules. Exploration scientifique de l'Algerie pendant les annees 1840, 1841, 1842. II. Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 590 p.
  • SAUSSURE H. DE 1884. - Prodromus Oedipodiorum - Insectorum ex ordine Orthopterorum. Memoires de la Societe de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Geneve 28 (9): 1 - 256.
  • DIRSH V. M. 1949 a. - The genus Thalpomena Saussure, 1884 (Orthoptera, Acrididae) and Its allies. Transactions of the Royal entomological Society of London, 100 (13): 363 - 391.
  • MASSA B. 1999. - Ortotteri dell'area mediterranea e delle isole azzorre nuovi o poco noti (Insecta). Atti dell'Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati ser. VII, vol. IX, (B): 57 - 80.
  • MOUSSI A., DEY L. S., PETIT D., ABBA A., KLESSER R. & HUSEMANN M. 2018. - First genetic data for band-winged grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Oedipodinae) of the Biskra region of Algeria with new records for the country. African zoology 53 (1): 31 - 40. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 15627020.2018.1463172
  • CHOPARD L. 1943. - Faune de l'Empire francais: I OrthopteroIdes de l'Afrique du Nord. Librairie Larose, Paris, 450 p.