Published January 13, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Browsing of oak and fir saplings in Baden-Württemberg (Southern Germany) 2017/2018

  • 1. Leibniz Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschrung
  • 2. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
  • 3. Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg


The tables contain information about the number of browsed and unbrowsed fir and oak saplings (<=130cm) for 98 locations in southern Germany (2017/2018). The columns read as: 1)the year were the field survey was conducted (Year), 2) the location (xcoord, yccord - WGS 84, EPSG: 4326), 3) an ID of the sampling unit (ID), 4) the number of browsed trees - height <=20 cm, 21-50 cm, 51-80 cm, 81-130 cm (X_B_HC1,..., X_B_HC4), 5) the number of unbrowsed trees - height <=20 cm, 21-50 cm, 51-80 cm, 81-130 cm (X_UB_HC1,..., X_UB_HC4) with "X" being O for oak (Quercus petraea, (Mattuschka) Liebl. and Quercus robur (L.)) or F for fir (Abies alba (Mill.)).

Example: "O_B_HC2" - contains the number of browsed oak saplings being taller than 20 cm but smaller than or equal to 50 cm. "NA" means the absence of tree saplings for a specific tree species.

Data of the tables was used/published in the following article/manuscript: Hagen, Robert; Kühl, Norbert; Hanewinkel, Marc; Suchant, Rudi; Number and height of unbrowsed saplings are more appropriate than the proportion of browsed saplings for predicting silvicultural regeneration success


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Journal article: 1286-4560 (ISSN)