Published September 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. ЗВО «Львівський університет бізнесу та права»


The purpose of the article is to reveal and explore international experience in involving the public in preventing and combating corruption. It was noted that for the international community, the problem of combating corruption continues to be one of the most urgent and requires constant attention not only from the leadership of states, but also from the general public. Corruption in Ukraine is one of the problems requiring an urgent solution. It poses a significant threat to democracy, the implementation of the rule of law, social progress, national security, and the emergence of civil society. Ratified on October 18, 2006 by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The UN Convention against Corruption from other key principles of the implementation of policies by member states in the field of preventing and combating corruption determines the provision of public access to anti-corruption processes. The analysis of international experience and peculiarities of combating corruption crimes allows to form an idea of the foundations of an advanced national anti-corruption strategy, the development of which is necessary in today's Ukraine. It is concluded that, based on international experience, the features of public involvement in preventing and combating corruption are: active support of international, state and public organizations; preliminary creation of programs to involve civil society as an independent element, and in cooperation with state bodies, local authorities, law enforcement agencies, other public associations, etc .; material interest of the public in taking an active part in anti-corruption programs. After all, almost every program provides for a grand and has a certain budget for its implementation. This participation (involving the public in preventing and combating corruption) needs to be strengthened through the following measures: increasing transparency and promoting public involvement in decision-making processes; providing the population with access to information; carrying out activities to inform the population, contributing to the creation of an atmosphere of rejection of corruption, as well as the implementation of public education programs, in particular curricula in schools and universities; respect, encouragement and protection of freedom to seek, receive, publish and disseminate information about corruption.


Зозуля І._Сопільник Л._Наукові записки ЛУБП_2020_№ 26.pdf