Aposphragisma helvetiorum Thoma 2014, sp. nov.
Aposphragisma helvetiorum Thoma, sp. nov.
(Figs. 20–25)
Type material. HOLOTYPE: male (PBI_OON 00031384), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Mt. Kinabalu, Bukit Ular Trail, 1760 m [06°01′27′′N 116°32′35′′E; inf.], 22.III.1983, prélèvement de sol près d’un ruisseau et de sol suspendu retenu dans des fougères (Asplenium) (appareil Berlese), leg. B. Hauser, deposited at MHNG. PARATYPES: 1 female (PBI_OON 00012113), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Mt. Kinabalu, Bukit Ular Trail, sentier reliant “ Kambarangan Road” à “Power Station ”, 1790 m [06°01′27′′N 116°32′35′′E; inf.], 28.IV.1982, tamisage de feuilles mortes et de bois pourri, forêt de Lithocarpus-Castanopis (appareil Winkler-Moczarski à Sepilok), leg. B. Hauser, deposited at AMNH; 1 female (PBI_OON 00012195), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Kibongoi Valley 7 km N of Tambunan, 700 m [05°44′N 116°21′; inf.], 20.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at NMBE; 1 female (PBI_OON 00012203), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Poring Hot Springs, 500 m, [06°02′20′′N 116°42′44′′E; inf.], 8.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at MHNG; 1 male & 1 female (PBI_OON 00012208), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Mt. Kinabalu, 1500 m [06°04′N 116°34′E; inf.], 25.IV.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at MHNG; 1 male & 1 female (PBI_OON 00012258), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Mt. Kinabalu, 1550–1650 m [06°04′N 116°34′E; inf.], 24.IV.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at NSMT; 1 male & 2 females (PBI_OON 00012261), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Mt. Kinabalu, 1500 m [06°04′N 116°34′E; inf.], 30.IV.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at MHNG; 2 males & 3 females (PBI_OON 00012262), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Crocker Range, km 63 on road Kota Kinabalu to Tambunan, 1200 m [05°50′N 116°18′E; inf.], 19.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at MHNG; 1 male & 2 females (PBI_OON 00012269), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Poring Hot Springs, 500 m [06°02′20′′N 116°42′44′′E; inf.], 6.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at MHNG; 1 male & 1 female (PBI_OON 00012274), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Mt. Kinabalu, 1500 m [06°04′N 116°34′E; inf.], 21.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at MHNG; 1 male & 1 female (PBI_OON 00012278), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Poring Hot Springs, Langanan Falls, 900–950 m [06°02′20′′N 116°42′44′′E; inf.], 12.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at NMBE; 1 male & 2 females (PBI_OON 00012284), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Crocker Range, km 60 on road Kota Kinabalu to Tambunan, 1270 m [05°50′N 116°18′E; inf.], 17.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at NMBE; 1 male (PBI_OON 00012292), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Mt. Kinabalu, 1430 m [06°04′N 116°34′E; inf.], 22.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at AMNH; 1 female (PBI_OON00012296; abdomen used for examination of internal genitalia), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Mt. Kinabalu, 1550 m [06°04′N 116°34′E; inf.], 29.IV.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at NMBE; 1 male & 3 females (PBI_OON 00012315), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Mt. Kinabalu, 1550 m [06°04′N 116°34′E; inf.], 28.IV.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at MHNG; 2 males & 1 female (PBI_OON 00012345), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Poring Hot Springs, 500 m [06°02′20′′N 116°42′44′′E; inf.], 6.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at NMBE; 1 male (PBI_OON 00012366), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Crocker Range, km 60 Kota Kinabalu to Tambunan, 1350 m [05°50′N 116°18′E; inf.], 17.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at MHNG; 1 female (PBI_OON 00012601), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Mt. Kinabalu, Poring Hot Springs, 495 m [06°02′20′′N 116°42′44′′E; inf.], 24.VIII.1988, sifting fermenting fruits of Ficus sp., leg. A. Smetana, deposited at MHNG; 1 male (PBI_ OON 00012657), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Mt. Kinabalu, HQ at Liwagu River, 1500 m [06°00′35′′N 116°32′27′′E; inf.], 4.VIII.1988, sifting leaf litter, leg. A. Smetana, deposited at MHNG; 1 female (PBI_ OON 00015280), Sabah (MALAYSIA), route de Kimanis à 16 miles de Keningau: héliport, forêt brumeuse, 1380 m [05°30′N 116°E; inf.], 14.III.1983 (appareil Berlese), leg. B. Hauser, deposited at MHNG; 1 female (PBI_OON 00015798), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Mt. Kinabalu N.P., Summit Trail Pondok Ubah, 2050 m [06°1’′56′′N 116°32′60′′E; inf.], 26.4.1987, leg. A. Smetana, deposited at MHNG; 1 female (PBI_ OON 00015909), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Mt. Kinabalu N.P., Silau Silau trail, 1500 m [06°00′45′′N 116°32′33′′E; inf.], 10.XI.1976, rain forest and bush, leg. P. Lehtinen, deposited at MZT; 1 male & 4 females (PBI_OON 00031394) collected together with male holotype, deposited at MHNG; 1 male (PBI_OON 00031395), collected together with paratypes (PBI_OON 00012315) deposited at MHNG; 1 male & 3 females (PBI_OON 00031396), collected together with paratypes (PBI_OON 00012274), deposited at MHNG; 1 male (PBI_OON 00031397), collected together with male holotype, deposited at AMNH; 1 female (PBI _ OON 00031398; abdomen used for examination of internal genitalia), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Crocker Range, 1550–1650 m, 16.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at MHNG; 1 male & 5 females (PBI _ OON 00032090), collected together with paratype (PBI _ OON 00031398), deposited at MHNG; 1 male & 1 female (PBI _ OON 00032091), collected together with paratype (PBI _ OON 00031398), deposited at AMNH; 1 male (PBI _ OON 00032092), collected together with paratypes (PBI _ OON 00012366), deposited at NMBE; 1 male & 1 female (PBI _ OON 00032093), collected together with paratypes (PBI _ OON 00012274), deposited at NMBE.
Non-type material. 1 female (PBI_OON 00012167), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Kibongoi Valley 7 km N of Tambunan, 700 m [05°44′N 116°21′; inf.], 20.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at MHNG; 3 males & 1 female (PBI _ OON 00032094; partly used for SEM), collected together with paratype (PBI _ OON 00012296), deposited at NMBE; 1 female (PBI_OON 00012316), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Poring Hot Springs, 550–600 m [06°02′20′′N 116°42′44′′E; inf.], 9.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at MHNG; 1 male (PBI_OON 00012327; used for SEM), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Mt. Kinabalu, 1550–1650 m [06°04′N 116°34′E; inf.], 24.IV.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at NMBE; 1 male (PBI _ OON 00012339; used for SEM), collected together with paratype (PBI _ OON 00031398), deposited at NMBE; 2 females (PBI_OON 00012371), Sabah (MALAYSIA), Poring Hot Springs, 500 m [06°02′20′′N 116°42′44′′E; inf.], 11.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl, deposited at MHNG; 1 male (PBI _ OON 00015277; used for SEM), Sabah (MALAYSIA), collected together with male holotype, deposited at NMBE; 1 female (PBI_OON 00032089), collected together with non-type (PBI_OON 00012327), deposited at MHNG.
Etymology. Expressing the fact that the majority of the specimens of A. helvetiorum sp. nov. were collected by Swiss (Latin: helvetii) or Swiss-based researchers, the species epithet is dedicated to the Swiss entomologist Dr. Daniel Burckhardt (*1953) as well as the Swiss-based Slovakian entomologist Dr. Ivan Löbl (*1937) and Swissbased Austrian entomologist Dr. Bernd Hauser.
Diagnosis. A. helvetiorum sp. nov. belongs to the stripe-clade and can be distinguished from other species of this clade by the combination of the following traits: carapace without spikes (Fig. 20G); carapace margin with blunt denticles, sluice (slu) reaching from posterior margin to level of coxa I (Fig. 20G); epigastric scutum in females posterolaterally with a row of longitudinal ridges (lr) (Fig. 25G). It resembles allopatric A. hausammanae sp. nov. and A. retifer sp. nov. but differs amongst others in sternum ornamentation (coarsely ornamented in A. helvetiorum sp. nov.) and male palp.
Description. Description based on 30 males and 46 females.
MALE. With the characters of the genus except as noted. Body length 1.32–1.52 mm (n=25), carapace length 0.61–0.69 mm (n=25). Sclerotized parts uniformly coloured orange-brown close to colour 136 ‘raw sienna’; legs slightly paler than body (pale orange). Habitus: Figs. 20 A–C.
CEPHALOTHORAX. Carapace: surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides strongly reticulate, partly interrupted by small smooth areas (Figs. 20 G–H); posterolateral surface without spikes; posterior edge of pars cephalica with slightly stronger modified hair bases, partly appearing as small denticles (pch) (Figs. 21 C–D, G); carapace margin with sluice (slu) reaching from posterior margin to level of coxa I, with blunt denticles (den) (Figs. 20 G–H, 21H). Eyes: posterior eye-row straight from above, procurved from front (Figs. 20G, 21 E–F); ALE largest, separated by their radius to diameter; ALE-PLE separated by less than ALE radius; PME touching throughout most of their length; PLE-PME separated by less than PME radius. Sternum coarsely ornamented except smooth median stripe (sms) (Figs. 20 D–F, 21A–B, 22A); infracoxal grooves (icg) anteriorly and posteriorly with a pair of openings (Figs. 20F, 22 B–C); posterior margin with broad single extension, covered with blunt denticles (Fig. 20F); setae appearing slightly plumose at SEM level (Fig. 22A). Pleura (pl): surface smooth with scattered pits (Fig. 22B). Mouthparts: chelicerae posterior margin of inner surface proximally modified to a ridge with median slit (sli), covering about 2/3 of margin length, distally possessing a knob-like apophysis (ka) (Fig. 22 F–G); promargin with row of flattened setae (rfs) in combination with plumose setae, distally extending into a short inwards pointing tooth-like projection (tlp) (Figs. 20E, G, 22 F–H); base of tooth-like projection posteriorly with a thick and long plumose seta (lps) (about as long as fang; Figs. 22 G–H). Endites: inner margin distally with brush of broad and deeply fringed wing-like setae (ws) (Fig. 22E); outer margin subdistally with a pair of rather long, inward bent plumose setae (ebs) (Figs. 22 D–E).
ABDOMEN. Book lung covers large, elliptical to dumbbell or pear-shaped (sides concave to almost parallel), about 4 times longer than wide (Figs. 23A, C). Epigastric scutum dorsally with widely oval subterminal ridge (sr) (Figs. 23A, C, 23F); scuto-pedicel region with slightly swollen hair bases (Figs. 23 G–H). Postepigastric scutum long, semicircular, with long posteriorly directed lateral apodemes (lap) (Fig. 23B). Setae appearing slightly plumose at SEM level (Figs. 23 G–H, 24A).
GENITALIA. Epigastric region: sperm pore (sp) situated at level of posterior spiracles (Figs. 23B, G, 24A). Palp: basal segments as well as bulb and cymbium lighter in colour than rest of body (pale orange to honey-yellow); bulb rather stout, tapering apically (Figs. 25 A–B, E–F). Concial bulge (cb) with ripped surface (Fig. 25F). Embolus (em) tip spatulate (Figs. 25 C–D, F); embolic spine (esp) with fringed tip (Fig. 25C). Conductor (con) with slender tip (Figs. 25 C–D). Embolus-conductor-complex about half as long as bulb.
FEMALE. As in male except as noted. Body length 1.39–1.69 mm (n=40), carapace length 0.62–0.72 mm (n=44). PME touching for less than half their length. Endites: serrula (ser) present in a single row of denticles (Fig. 22I; no information about serrula in males). Epigastric scutum posterolaterally with a row of longitudinal ridges (lr) (Figs. 23H, 25F). Postepigastric scutum with short posteriorly directed lateral apodemes (lap) (Fig. 23D, referring to strongly sclerotized parts shining through the postepigastric scutum, cf Fig. 25H).
GENITALIA. Dorsal view (Figs. 25 G–H): receptaculum (re) triangular shaped with rounded posterior edge, laterally framed by long rectangular sclerites (apodemes) (lap); apodemes distally rather thin and thus looking rather short in ventral view at stereomicroscope level; globular appendix (gap) lying dorsally of receptaculum about half as long as receptaculum; lateral and median part of receptaculum dorsally covered with papillae (pap); a transverse sclerite (ts) lies anteriorly to the receptaculum and bears medially a nail-like structure (na).
Intraspecific variation. Body size variable (see above), one female (PBI_OON 00012167) with body length of only 1.26 mm (and with pale yellowish colour) not included in measurements shown above; colour shows slight variation but is always brown-orangish, only few specimens show lighter yellowish colour maybe as a result of bleaching; number of denticles on carapace margin variable (normally around 15–20 denticles on each side); extension of smooth median stripe on sternum variable but normally not less than about a third of sternum length (Figs. 20 D–F, 21A); two females (PBI_OON 00012371) show an almost completely ornamented sternum (Fig. 21B).
Distribution. N-Sabah, MALAYSIA; all specimens were collected within the Crocker range, between 500 and 2050 m a.s.l. (Fig. 49).
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Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1976-11-10 , 1982-04-28 , 1983-03-14 , 1983-03-22 , 1987-04-24 , 1987-04-25 , 1987-04-26 , 1987-04-28 , 1987-04-29 , 1987-04-30 , 1987-05-06 , 1987-05-08 , 1987-05-09 , 1987-05-11 , 1987-05-12 , 1987-05-16 , 1987-05-17 , 1987-05-19 , 1987-05-20 , 1987-05-21 , 1987-05-22 , 1988-08-04 , 1988-08-24
- Family
- Oonopidae
- Genus
- Aposphragisma
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Material sample ID
- OON 00012657 , OON 00015280 , OON 00015909 , PBI_OON 00012113 , PBI_OON 00012195 , PBI_OON 00012203 , PBI_OON 00012208 , PBI_OON 00012258 , PBI_OON 00012261 , PBI_OON 00012262 , PBI_OON 00012269 , PBI_OON 00012274 , PBI_OON 00012278 , PBI_OON 00012284 , PBI_OON 00012292 , PBI_OON 00012315 , PBI_OON 00012345 , PBI_OON 00012366 , PBI_OON 00012601 , PBI_OON 00015798 , PBI_OON 00031384 , PBI_OON 00031394 , PBI_OON 00031395 , PBI_OON 00031396 , PBI_OON 00031397 , PBI_OON 00032089 , PBI_OON00012296
- Order
- Araneae
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Thoma
- Species
- helvetiorum
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 1976-11-10 , 1982-04-28 , 1983-03-14 , 1983-03-22 , 1987-04-24 , 1987-04-25 , 1987-04-26 , 1987-04-28 , 1987-04-29 , 1987-04-30 , 1987-05-06 , 1987-05-08 , 1987-05-09 , 1987-05-11 , 1987-05-12 , 1987-05-16 , 1987-05-17 , 1987-05-19 , 1987-05-20 , 1987-05-21 , 1987-05-22 , 1988-08-04 , 1988-08-24
- Taxonomic concept label
- Aposphragisma helvetiorum THOMA, 2014