Published January 5, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Accelerating ice mass loss across Arctic Russia in response to Atlantification of the Eurasian Arctic Shelf Seas

  • 1. University of Edinburgh


This file contains three datasets of geophysical data compiled from satellite observations made over the archipelagos of Novaya Zemlya and Severnaya Zemlya in the Russian Arctic between 2010 and 2018:

- maps of surface elevation change (dh) over the entire glaciated area of the two regions, and rasterised ice masks (source RGI 6.0) of both land- and marine-terminating glaciers and ice caps; 

- time series of surface elevation change (dh) at 90-day time steps over single glacier and ice cap basins, and over larger areas (control domains) defined as follows: B1N, B2N, B3N, B4N, K1N, K2N, K3N (Novaya Zemlya), and K1S, K2S, L1S, L2S, L3S (Severnaya Zemlya);

- climate forcing (T2m, SST, SIC and SOTF1-3) averaged over each of the 12 aforementioned control areas. The climate data is presented as time series, means and longer term trends of seasonal (90-days) anomalies with respect to a pre-defined baseline period.

A more complete description of these datasets will be provided in the publication with the same name (currently in review).



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