Published October 20, 2020 | Version v1
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A new species of Robertgurneya Apostolov & Marinov, 1988, with an illustrated record of R. rostrata (Gurney, 1927), an amended genus diagnosis and comments on R. soyeri (Apostolov, 1974) and R. spinulosa (Sars, 1911) (Harpacticoida Miraciidae)



Gómez, Samuel (2020): A new species of Robertgurneya Apostolov & Marinov, 1988, with an illustrated record of R. rostrata (Gurney, 1927), an amended genus diagnosis and comments on R. soyeri (Apostolov, 1974) and R. spinulosa (Sars, 1911) (Harpacticoida Miraciidae). Zootaxa 4861 (4): 451-485, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4861.4.1



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