Published January 4, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Main features of the modern transitive system of property relations in Ukraine



Subject of study – changes in the state of economic property relations in Ukraine under the
influence of factors of internal and external institutional and economic environment.
The purpose of the study is to determine the basic features of the transitive model of economic
relations of property, their positive and negative characteristics, which is a very important issue of
economic theory and practice in developing and improving appropriate management mechanisms to
influence modern appropriation, other economic processes and socio–economic trends in society.
The purpose of the study is to determine the basic features of the transitive model of economic
property relations, their positive and negative characteristics associated with the state of the domestic
transitive economic system.
Research methods. The research used general scientific methods of empirical cognition
(observation, description, experiment), logical (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction,

abstraction, generalization, modeling, classification) and scientific methods (structural–functional,
institutional, comparison, statistical grouping, expert estimates).
Results. The main models of the domestic transitive model of the economy and their influence on
the model of modern property relations are characterized. It is proved that in the state of ownership
to reflect its positive and negative features as a subsystem of the economic system. Deformation
negative features, or so–called retro signs, which are inherent in the existing set of property relations,
which allows to identify it as a protosystem, are determined. The types of retro–signs of property
relations and their influence on economic processes are clarified. The consequences of artificially
forcing changes in property relations (without eliminating the identified negative features) in order
to create its «post–industrial» digital model are revealed. It is proved that under such conditions the
existing transitive model of property relations will be further programmed as non–emergent, non–
systemic and conflicting.
Conclusions. Modeling the set of property relations, along with the development of theoretical
models of the economic system is a complex research process. The results of a comparative analysis
of theoretical models of the national economy and property relations showed that the features
(features) of the modern transitive model of forms of ownership in Ukraine directly correspond to
the characteristics of the models of the national economic system. The transitive model of property
relations is non–emergent, with a weak ability to self–organization and self–development, the inability
to overcome the deformations that grow into retro signs. Studies have shown that the current set of
property relations does not show any systemic features (purpose, homeostatic, structured, etc.), and
has yet to become a system, eliminating retro–features or reducing their negative effects.



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