Published September 10, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Torodora digitalis Park & Bae 2020, sp. nov.

  • 1. BioResource and Environmental Center, Division of Life Sciences, Incheon National University, Incheon, 22012 Korea ktpark 02 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9933 - 4497
  • 2. BioResource and Environmental Center, Division of Life Sciences, Incheon National University, Incheon, 22012 Korea ktpark 02 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9933 - 4497 & Division of Life Sciences, Incheon National University, Incheon, 22012 Korea


Torodora digitalis Park, sp. nov.

(Figs. 4 A–G)

Type material. Holotype:male, LAOS: Bolikhamsai Prov., Phou Khao Khouay National Protected Area, 18°27’23’’N 103° 03’05’’E, 470 m, 26 vii 2019, leg. YS Bae, MJ Qi, DJ Lee, JH Ko, TG Lee, and YB Cha; gen. slide no. CIS- 8104. Paratype: 1♂, Bolikhamsai Prov., Phou Khao Khouay National Protected Area, 18°30’11’’N 102° 58’06’’E, 618 m, 9 xi 2015, leg. YS Bae, SM Na, JW Kim, DJ Lee; gen. slide no. CIS-8111.

Diagnosis. Torodora digitalis sp. nov. is the smallest species of the known species of the genus Torodora Meyrick, with the wingspan 10.0 mm. The species can be distinguished from its allies by the male genitalia: i) the basal part of the costa forming a costal bar-like band, which is more or less similar to the main diagnostic character of the genus Lecithocera; ii) juxta with digitate latero-caudal lobes; iii) aedeagus strongly arched, with uniquely developed bar-like sclerite apically.

Description. Male (Figs. 4A, B). Wingspan 10.0 mm. Head: Dark yellowish brown dorsally, with yellowishwhite scales laterally. Antenna slightly longer than forewing; basal segment elongated, dark brown on dorsal surface, yellowish white on anterior and posterior surface; flagellum orange white, without distinct annulations. Second segment of labial palpus thickened, dark brown dorsally with yellowish-white apex dorsally, yellowish white in apical 2/5 ventrally on outer surface; yellowish white on inner surface; 3 rd segment, slender, as long as 2 nd segment, dark brown ventrally. Thorax: Tegula and thorax dark brown dorsally. Hind tibia covered with dark-brown scales in basal 2/5, yellowish white beyond on dorsal surface. Forewing ground color dark brown evenly (the paratype yellowish brown, partly descaled), with a minute yellowish-white costal patch beyond 3/4 of costa; venation with R 2 arising from near upper corner of cell; R 3 stalked with R 4+5 for basal 1/3; R 4 and R 5 stalked beyond 2/3; R 5 to apex; CuA 1 and CuA 2 stalked for basal 1/3; apex slightly produced; termen oblique; fringe concolorous with ground color. Hind wing pale gray, as wide as forewing; venation with M 3 and CuA 1 stalked for basal 2/3; CuA 2 closed to CuA 1 at base. Abdomen (Fig. 4G): Abdomen dark brown dorsally, yellowish white ventrally, with broadly developed spinous zones dorsally; segment VIII with a narrow, linear sclerite dorsally.

Male genitalia (Figs. 4C, E): Uncus elongated, narrower toward apex, exceeding basal plate of gnathos, bent apically downward. Median process of gnathos strong, narrower toward apex, strongly bent with nearly a right angle beyond 2/3 downward. Tegumen weakly sclerotized, deeply concave in inverted V-shape on anterior margin. Valva broad at base, basal part of costa forming a costal bar-like band; costa deeply concave; cucullus narrowed apically, strongly upturned, with strong, dense setae on surface; Juxta broad, pot-shaped, with digitate latero-caudal lobes. Vinculum banded, bent apically inward. Aedeagus strongly bent, shorter than valva, broad basally, narrowed beyond half, with uniquely developed bar-like sclerite apically.

Female unknown.

Distribution. Laos (Bolikhamsai).

Etymology. The species name is derived from the Latin, digitalis (= finger), referring to the digitate latero-caudal process of the juxta in the male genitalia.


Published as part of Park, Kyu-Tek & Bae, Yang-Seop, 2020, Genus Torodora Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Lecithoceridae, Torodorinae) in Laos with descriptions of five new species and two newly recorded species, pp. 305-318 in Zootaxa 4851 (2) on page 311, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4851.2.5,


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Event date
2015-11-09 , 2019-07-26
Scientific name authorship
Park & Bae
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
2015-11-09 , 2019-07-26
Taxonomic concept label
Torodora digitalis Park, 2020