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Published December 30, 2020 | Version v1
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IPBES VA Chapter 3. Systematic PCIV (Principles, Criteria, Indicators, Verifiers) review on valuation methods


Systematic PCIV (Principles, Criteria, Indicators, Verifiers) review on valuation methods 

Updated Report: 29 December 2020

Code: VA_3.1_Ch3

Versioning: 03 (28.12.2020)


IPBES VA mandate of Ch. 3 is to assess different valuation methodologies and approaches, including (a) biophysical, social and cultural, economic, health and holistic (including indigenous and local community-based) and (b) approaches for the integration of different types of values. Ch3 conducted a systematic review, to assess the current practice in valuation, how methods were applied, which methods are used in nature valuation, what are they applied for, in which context, and how the methodological challenges identified in reviews of methods families are addressed in applied studies. The PCIV (Principles, Criteria, Indicators, Verifiers) review of chapter 3 consists on the main source of scientific evidence for the chapter. This review coincides with a literature review conducted by Ch. 4 (see VA_4.4_Ch4). 



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