Published August 5, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Uniparodentata circummaculata

  • 1. Zoological Survey of India, M Block, New Alipore, Kolkata, 700053, West Bengal, India
  • 2. Zoological Survey of India, M Block, New Alipore, Kolkata, 700053, West Bengal, India & kailash 611 @ rediffmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9076 - 5442
  • 3. Zoological Survey of India, M Block, New Alipore, Kolkata, 700053, West Bengal, India & devanshuguptagb 4102 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9188 - 4689


Uniparodentata circummaculata (Pang & Mao, 1977)

(Figs. 11–19)

Epilachna circummaculata Pang & Mao, 1977: 325, figs. 3: 1 (female, holotype), 2 (female genitalia); Ren et al., 2009: 269, figs. 364 a (female, holotype), b (female genitalia).

Uniparodentata circummaculata: Tomaszewska & Szawaryn, 2016: 43.

Type locality. Xizang (Bomi). Type depository. IZAS (Jadwiszczak & Węgrzynowicz 2003).

Material examined. India: Arunachal Pradesh, Dihang-Dibang Biosphere Reserve, Mipi, 28°57.867′ N, 95°48.550′ E, 1464m, 31.x.2017, 1 male, leg. Devanshu Gupta [NZSI].

Description (male). Length 6.5 mm; width 6.67 mm; TL/EW= 1.97; PL/PW= 0.23; PL/EL= 0.14; PW/EW= 1.06; EL/EW= 1.75.

Body oval, convex, dorsum pubescent (Fig. 11). Head and mouthparts brown. Pronotum and scutellar shield orange. Elytra black, with two large orange maculae on each elytron, first occupying anterior half of elytron and second occupying posterior half with black narrow, transverse band between them, orange maculae almost reaching elytral margins. Ventral side orange except for metaventrite predominantly black (Figs. 12, 13).

Head exposed dorsally. Interocular distance broad, more than four times eye diameter. Weak ventral antennal grooves present. Antennae consisting of 11 antennomeres, antennomeres 3–8 elongate, three apical antennomeres forming an asymmetrical club. Labrum transverse, weakly emarginate at apex (Fig. 12).

Pronotum transverse, four times as broad as its length, lateral edge smooth, submarginal carina absent, prothoracic hypomeron coarsely punctured, prosternal process sub-rectangular with distinct lateral carinae not prolonged to the anterior part of the prosternum. Prosternum in front of coxae narrower than width of prosternal process (Fig. 12).

Mesoventrite with anterior edge distinctly margined, with distinct emargination for reception of prosternal process, mesoventral process covered with large coarse punctures, about as broad as mid coxa diameter; meso-metaventral suture visible, weakly sinuate. Metaventral postcoxal lines joined on metaventral process, complete laterally and recurved, surface covered with large coarse punctures, discrimen visible. Scutellar shield triangular, about as broad as its length (Fig. 13). Elytra fine and coarsely punctated, elytral margins entirely visible from above. Elytral epipleuron narrow, incomplete at apex, with foveae for receiving tips of femora, inner margin with borderline just fading before base of elytron.

Legs moderately long and slender with apices of mid and hind femora not extending from outer margin of elytral epipleuron. Coxae with tubercles on their hind surfaces. Trochanters angulate with distinct cavities on their inner surfaces for holding tip of tibiae. Femora grooved for reception of tibiae in repose; mid and hind tibiae with oblique carina on outer edge (Fig. 14). Tibial spur formula: 1-2-2.

Abdomen with 6 ventrites, ventrite 1 large, about as long as 2–4 combined, covered with large coarse punctures in the area between postcoxal lines, ventrites 2–4 subequal in length, ventrite 5 rounded apically, ventrite 6 emarginate apically. Abdominal postcoxal lines recurved roundly but incomplete, without an additional line (Fig. 15).

Male genitalia (Figs. 16–19). Basal piece devoid of spines, penis guide symmetrical, slightly longer than half the length of parameres, narrow, subtriangular, forming a pointed tip at apex; outer edge smooth; inner edge without additional process. Parameres well developed, large, broadened apically, simple, covered with long hairs (Figs. 16, 17). Penis capsule with reduced outer arm, inner arm short. Penis long, rod-like, sinuate, with an apical process having a single large spine (Figs. 18, 19).

Distribution. India: Arunachal Pradesh (Dihang-Dibang Biosphere Reserve) (new record to India). Elsewhere: China (Tibet).

Remarks. Uniparodentata circummaculata was described by Pang & Mao in 1977, based on a female specimen from Xizang (Bomi). In this paper, the male of this species is described for the first time along with the illustration and description of male genitalia, based on a specimen, collected from Arunachal Pradesh, India. U. circummaculata belongs to a group of species with a similar shape of male genitalia: U. folifera (Pang & Mao, 1979), U. glochisifoliata (Pang & Mao, 1979) and U. siphodenticulata (Hoàng, 1983). Externally it can be easily distinguished by the elytral pattern with 4 large orange maculae. It can be mistaken with similarly coloured Henosepilachna quadriplagiata Pang & Mao, 1977, but it can be separated by the generic characters. The male genitalia of this species differ from similar species by the penis guide much shorter than parameres (equal in length or longer in others), and penis guide in lateral view subtriangular with straight apex (whereas bent or sinuate at the apex in other closely related species). The penis is similar to U. folifera, but the tip is rounded (not pointed), and terminal spine is regularly elongate (not widened at apical part).


Published as part of Das, Priyanka, Chandra, Kailash & Gupta, Devanshu, 2020, Redescription of Afissa gibbera (Crotch, 1874) and Uniparodentata circummaculata (Pang & Mao, 1977) (Coccinellidae: Epilachnini) from India, pp. 248-256 in Zootaxa 4822 (2) on pages 252-254, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4822.2.6,


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Scientific name authorship
Pang & Mao
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Taxonomic concept label
Uniparodentata circummaculata (Pang, 1977) sec. Das, Chandra & Gupta, 2020


  • Pang, X. F. & Mao, J. L. (1977) Notes on the Epilachninae of Tibet autonomous region (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Acta Entomologica Sinica, Beijing, 20 (3), 323 - 328.
  • Ren, S., Wang, X., Pang, H., Peng, Z. & Zeng, P. (2009) Colored Pictorial Handbook of Ladybird Beetles in China. Science Press, Beijing, 336 pp.
  • Tomaszewska, W. & Szawaryn, K. (2016) Epilachnini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) - A revision of the world genera. Journal of Insect Science, 16 (1), 1 - 91. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / jisesa / iew 082
  • Jadwiszczak, A. & Wegrzynowicz, P. (2003) World Catalogue of Coccinellidae. Part I. Epilachninae. Mantis, Olsztyn, 264 pp.
  • Pang, X. F. & Mao, J. L. (1979) Coleoptera: Coccinellidae (Part 2). Economic entomology China. Vol. 14. Science Press, Beijing, 170 pp.
  • Hoang, D. N. (1983) Ladybeetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of Vietnam. II. Nha Xuat Ban Khoa Hoc Va Ky Thuat, Hanoi, 160 pp.