Published December 24, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Nonsteroidal Drugs and Aspirin in Colon Cancer

  • 1. Department of Gastrointestinal surgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University, Luzhou 646000, Sichuan Province, People's Republic of China


Colon is the last part of human digestive tract and the cancer of this part is called Colon Cancer. Most of the cases related to colon cancer start with small, noncancerous clumps (benign) named adenomatous polyps (Cappell, 2008). Some of such polyps gradually can transform into colon cancer. Polyps can be tiny and symptomatic. That are the reason practitioners emphasize time to time screening tests to identify and then remove polyps as a measure to help prevent cancer (Cappell, 2005).


14. 209- 228 The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Nonsteroidal Drugs and Aspirin in Colon Cancer v3i12(1).pdf