Published October 8, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Triunfus BARROs & Barão & Grazia 2020, gen.n.

  • 1. Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, 91501 - 970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil & Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
  • 2. Laboratório de Sistemática e Diversidade de Artrópodes, Unidade Educacional Penedo, Campus Arapiraca, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Penedo, AL, Brazil


Triunfus gen.n.

Type species. Triunfus carvalhoi sp.n., here designated

Diagnosis. Antennomere 2 much reduced, not visible. Labium surpassing the middle of sternite 4; labiomere 1 robust, labiomeres 3 and 4 strongly flattened. Anterior margin of pronotum shallowly concave and posterior margin of pronotum emarginate medially. Post-frenal width of scutellum less than the basal width of the scutel- lum. Foveae smaller than the diameter of a compound eye. Ostioles circular. Valvifers 8 convex; mesial margins not juxtaposed, valvulae 8 visible.

Description. Body elongate, small (total length: 9.79 mm) (Figs. 14 A– B, 15A– B). Head: Head longer than wide, apex rounded (Figs. 14A, 15A, D, 20D, H). Man- dibular plates shorter than clypeus, apices obtuse; lateral margins sinuous. Clypeal apex obtuse, in a higher level than mandibular plates in lateral view; clypeal suture be- ginning after an imaginary line crossing anterior margin of compound eyes. Antenniferous tubercles visible in dorsal view, each with an obtuse process laterally. An- tennomere 1 not reaching apex of head; antennomere 2 much reduced, not visible; antennomere 3 cylindrical; antennomere 4 conical, slightly flattened dorsally (Figs. 14D, 15E, 18 Fv, 20H). Bucculae rectilinear, tapering to- ward base of head, not reaching its base (Fig. 14E). Labi- um long, surpassing middle of sternite 4 (Figs. 14 B – C, 15C); labiomere 1 robust, lyingentirely betweenbucculae (Figs. 14E, 15C), labiomere 2 flattened laterally, shorter than labiomeres 3 and 4 combined, and labiomeres 3 and 4 strongly flattened (Figs. 14C, 15C). Thorax: Pronotum trapezoidal (Figs. 14A, 15A, D, 20J); anterolateral mar- gins explanate, reflexed, impunctate; posterior margin emarginate medially (Fig. 15D). Mesosternal carina el- evated, smooth; metasternal furrow shallow. Each osti- ole of ESES circular, opening posterolaterally; periosti- olar depressions present; each peritreme spout-shaped, extending about ⅔ of the distance to lateral margin of evaporatorium; medial furrow of the each ostiolar peri- treme relatively long, occupying more than half of the length of peritreme; evaporatorium punctate, occupying more than half of meso- and metapleuron; evaporatorium on mesopleuron reaching its anterior and posterior angles and the outer margins, surpassing the limits of mesocox- al sutures (Figs. 15F, 18L). Metathoracic spiracle wide. Length of femora and tibiae subequal; femora unarmed; tarsi 3-segmented (Figs. 14C, 15C). Scutellum broader than long (Figs. 14A, 15A). Basal angles of scutellum foveate; foveae smaller than the diameter of a compound eye (Fig. 20L, red arrow). Corium longer than scutellum, extending beyond apex of scutellum, surpassing apices of abdominal tergite 5 (Fig. 20L, blue arrow); apex of each radial vein punctate (inconspicuous callosity, Fig. 20L). Abdomen: Connexivum exposed (Figs. 14A, 20L). Sublateral margins of abdominal sternites not concolour- ous with the abdominal venter (lighter than abdominal venter, Fig. 14C). Medial longitudinal groove reaching sternite 6. Spiracles concolourous with abdomen. Tricho- bothria concolourous with abdominal venter (Fig. 14F). Female terminalia (Figs. 14F, 16B, D): Valvifers 8 con- vex; mesial margins not juxtaposed. Valvulae 8 visible. Laterotergites 8 lacking spiracles. Valvifers 9 leveled, relative to the position of segment Xin lateral view. Laterotergites 9 surpassing tergite 8. Female genitalia: Valvulae 9 with 1 + 1 lateral sclerotized areas placed along with ring sclerite. Ring sclerite elliptical. Ectoder- mal ductus (Fig. 16E – G): thickening of vaginal intima with anterior portion rounded, posterior portion conical. Proximal ductus receptaculi convoluted, extremely long in relation to length of vesicular area, at least three times longer. Median wall of vesicular area enlarged subproxi- mally. Distal ductus receptaculi long, at least one and a half times longer than vesicular area, with diameter equal to median wall diameter. Posterior annular flange wider than capsula seminalis.

Etymology. Triunfus, corresponding to the type-locality Triunfo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; masculine.

Distribution. Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul (Fig. 17).

3.2.11. Key to species of Triunfus

1 Valvifers 8 shorter in length than laterotergites 9; valvifers 9 swollen, posterior margins convex (Fig. 16E). Proximal ductus receptaculi equal in diameter to median wall of vesicular area; capsula seminalis subequal in length to pars intermedialis (Fig. 16F)............................................. Triunfus carvalhoi sp.n.

1’ Valvifers 8 equalin lengthto laterotergites 9; valvifers 9 flat, posterior margins straight (Fig. 16G). Proximal ductus receptaculi greater in diameter than median wall of vesicular area; capsula seminalis shorter in length to pars intermedialis (Fig. 16G).............................................................. Triunfusincarnatus sp.n.


Published as part of BARROs, Lurdiana D., Barão, Kim R. & Grazia, Jocélia, 2020, Systematics of the Mecocephala group (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) based on a phylogenetic perspective: Inclusion of Hypanthracos, description of three new genera, and redescription of Ogmocoris, pp. 321-360 in Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 78 (2) on page 345, DOI: 10.26049/ASP78-2-2020-07,


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BARROs & Barão & Grazia
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Triunfus BARROs, Barão & Grazia, 2020