Published October 1, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Boconita yacambu Huber 2020, gen. et sp. nov.

  • 1. Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
  • 2. Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. & Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Boconita yacambu Huber gen. et sp. nov. B51C7D75-61FC-4F5A-AFE6-4323641085D6

Figs 35–43, 47–49, 1033


Distinguished from the very similar B. sayona Huber gen. et sp. nov. by more slender frontal processes on male chelicerae (compare Figs 32 and 41), by much smaller prolateral apophysis distally on male genital bulb (asterisk in Fig. 39), and by epigynal plate not narrower posteriorly than anteriorly and without anterior indentation (i.e., not V-shaped; Fig. 47).


The species name refers to the type locality; noun in apposition.

Type material

VENEZUELA – Lara • ♂ holotype, ZFMK (Ar 21823), Yacambú National Park, Sendero Ecológico (9.709° N, 69.578–69.582° W), ~ 1550 m a.s.l., 15–16 Dec. 2002 (B.A. Huber, A. Pérez González, O. Villarreal, B. Striffler, A. Giupponi).

Other material examined

VENEZUELA – Lara • 11 ♂♂, 10 ♀♀, ZFMK (Ar 21824), and 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀ in pure ethanol, ZFMK (Ven02/100-64), same collection data as for holotype.


Male (holotype)

MEASUREMENTS. Total body length 4.5, carapace width 2.0. Distance PME–PME 170 µm; diameter PME 170 µm; distance PME–ALE 130 µm; distance AME–AME 25 µm; diameter AME 40 µm. Leg 1: 58.6 (14.9 +0.8+13.7 + 26.0 +3.2), tibia 2: 8.6, tibia 3: 6.7, tibia 4: 8.1; tibia 1 L/d: 76; femur 3 slightly thicker than other femora (femur 1 diameter: 270 µm; femur 3 diameter: 300 µm).

COLOR (in ethanol). Carapace ochre-yellow with slightly darker radial marks, ocular area and clypeus brown, clypeus at rim medially whitish; sternum ochre yellow posteriorly, light brown anteriorly; legs brown, tips of femora and tibiae whitish, with indistinct darker rings on femora (subdistally) and tibiae (proximally and subdistally); abdomen pale greenish gray, dorsally and laterally with dark bluish marks, ventrally with large indistinct light brown plates in front of gonopore and in front of spinnerets, with dark internal mark behind gonopore.

BODY. Habitus as in B. sayona Huber gen. et sp. nov. (cf. Figs 20–22). Ocular area slightly raised. Carapace with shallow but distinct thoracic groove, not inflated posteriorly. Clypeus unmodified. Sternum wider than long (1.40/1.00), unmodified. Abdomen oval, slightly pointed at spinnerets.

CHELICERAE. As in Figs 41–42, with pair of frontal processes with several short modified hairs each and pair of small frontal apophyses; with distinct whitish area around frontal apophysis.

PALPS. In general very similar to B. sayona Huber gen. et sp. nov. (cf. Figs 24–25); very small relative to body size; coxa with large retrolateral apophysis, trochanter barely modified, femur proximally with large retrolateral-ventral apophysis, with low dorsal hump, distally widened and with prominent rounded ventral process; patella dorso-distally slightly protruding; procursus (Figs 35–37) at basis with bifid dorsal process, without retrolateral apophysis, distally with bifid process, large retrolateral sclerite connected to membranous prolateral process by transparent membrane; genital bulb complex (Figs 38– 40), with several distinctive sclerites embedded in whitish membrane.

LEGS. Without spines and curved hairs; few vertical hairs; femora densely covered with small cuticular cusps, with unusually thin and short hairs; femur 3 enlarged at basis; retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia 1 at 3.5%; prolateral trichobothrium present on all leg tibiae; tarsus 1 with 36 pseudosegments, all very distinct.

Male (variation)

Tibia 1 in ten males (including holotype): 12.4–14.1 (mean 13.5). Paler males without radial marks on carapace and with ochre-yellow legs.


In general similar to male but leg femora with regular hairs and without cusps; femur 3 not enlarged at basis; sternum color as in male. Tibia 1 in seven females: 9.7–10.9 (mean 10.3). Epigynum very short but wide dark brown plate (Fig. 47); light brown and very short posterior plate. Internal genitalia (Figs 43, 48–49) with strong median transversal sclerite connected to pore plates, and pair of sclerites (pockets? receptacles?) ventral of uterus externus.


Known from type locality only, in Venezuela, Lara (Fig. 1033).

Natural history

This species was very abundant at the type locality where it was collected from dense, unusually flat webs close to the forest floor; at disturbance the spiders fled towards the back, i.e., towards a sheltered place among roots or logs or leaf litter.


Published as part of Huber, Bernhard A. & Villarreal, Osvaldo, 2020, On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae), pp. 1-317 in European Journal of Taxonomy 718 on pages 17-19, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.718.1101,


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gen. et sp. nov.
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Boconita yacambu Huber, 2020