Published October 20, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Hypocaccus (Hypocaccus) rugiceps


Hypocaccus (Hypocaccus) rugiceps (Duftschmid, 1805)

(Figs. 20, 56, 79, 120, 433–452)

Hister quadristriatus: HOFFMANN (1803): 85, nec PAYKULL (1798): 45 (misidentification).

Hister rugiceps Duftschmid, 1805: 125.

Saprinus quadristriatus: ERICHSON (1834): 194.

Saprinus rugiceps: REDTENBACHER (1849): 238; MARSEUL (1855): 703, t. XIX, Fig. 141; C. THOMSON (1862): 238; GANGLBAUER (1899): 391; REITTER (1909): 294, t. 67, Fig. 12; JAKOBSON (1911): 651.

Hypocaccus quadristriatus: C. THOMSON (1867): 401.

Saprinus (Hypocaccus) quadristriatus: SCHMIDT (1885a): 316.

Hypocaccus rugiceps: BICKHARDT (1916): 100; REICHARDT (1941): 308, 316, Fig. 165; HORION (1949): 342; MAZUR (1973): 40, Fig. 80, KRYZHANOVSKIJ & REICHARDT (1976): 218, 220, Figs.428, 435, 436, 437, 442; VIENNA (1980): 185, 190; MAZUR & KASZAB (1980): 58, Figs. 26J, 28K, 29, 30F; MAZUR (1981a): 100, 103, Fig. 135; MAZUR (1984): 96; MAZUR (1997): 260; YÉLAMOS (2002): 328, 330, Figs. 163A, 164A, 166B; MAZUR (2004): 94.

Type locality. Austria, Oerlander near Linz.

Material examined. CZECH REPUBLIC: MORAVIA: Bzenec env., vii.1948, 1 spec., L. Krejcárek lgt.; Velké Pavlovice, vii.1947, 1 ♁, collector unknown. ITALY: Les Vignes, a Millan, 16.v.1914, 1 spec., collector unknown. GERMANY: Markgratenheide, near Warnemünde, 12.vii.1976, 1 spec., J. Strejček lgt. UKRAINE: Kiev, v.1975, 1 ♁ 1 ♀, A. Olexa lgt. (TLAN).

Redescription. Body length: PEL: 3.10–3.50 mm; APW: 1.125–1.25 mm; PPW: 2.25–2.625 mm; EL: 2.00– 2.25 mm; EW: 2.60–3.00 mm.

Body (Figs. 433–434) shortly oval, convex, cuticle dark brown to blackish-blue; pronotum occasionally with feeble bronze luster, elytra with greenish metallic tinge; legs, mouthparts and antennae dark brown to black.

Antennal scape (Fig. 436) slightly thickened, with few short setae; club (Fig. 440) round, without visible articulation, entire surface covered with thick short yellow sensilla intermingled with sparse somewhat longer erect sensilla; sensory structures of antennal club (Fig. 20) in form of stipe-shaped vesicle situated under circular sensory area on internal distal margin of the ventral side of antennal club.

Mouthparts. Mandibles (Fig. 79) with almost straight outer margin, moderately curved inwardly, acutely pointed; sub-apical tooth on inner margin of left mandible large, perpendicular; labrum (Figs. 56, 437) microscopically punctate, medially convex, anterior margin with slight median projection; with two labral pits, with two setae arising from each; terminal labial palpomere elongated, its width about one-third its length; mentum sub-trapezoid, anterior margin medially with shallow notch (Fig. 120) surrounded with few moderately long setae; lateral margins with a single row of sparse much shorter ramose setae; cardo of maxilla with few short setae on lateral margin; stipes triangular, with three much longer setae; terminal maxillary palpomere elongated, its width about one-fourth its length, about twice as long as penultimate.

Clypeus (Fig. 437) rectangular, rounded laterally, rugulose-lacunose; frontal stria (Fig. 436) well impressed, almost straight (occasionally somewhat curved outwardly), carinate, continued as carinate supraorbital stria; frontal disc (Fig. 436) rugulose-lacunose, with several deeply impressed longitudinal rugae; eyes convex, observable from above.

Pronotal sides (Fig. 433) almost parallel on apical two-thirds, thence curved inwardly; apical angles obtuse; marginal pronotal stria complete; pronotal disc convex, except for postero-median part entirely covered with dense punctation, punctures laterally form longitudinal rugae; postero-median part forming a well-defined triangular impunctate part; pronotal base with a double row of round dense punctures, with slight antero-scutellar depression; scutellum small, well visible.

Elytral humeri slightly prominent, epipleura with microscopic punctures; marginal epipleural stria complete; marginal elytral stria deeply impressed, continued as weakly impressed shortened apical elytral stria; along elytral marginal stria a regular row of round punctures present. Humeral elytral stria vaguely impressed on basal fifth; inner subhumeral stria present medially, deep and rather long, rarely joining humeral elytral stria; dorsal elytral striae almost unrecognizable beneath punctation; first dorsal elytral stria usually conspicuous, stopping short of elytral apex, apically slightly curved inwardly, second dorsal stria reaching approximately elytral half apically, third and fourth dorsal elytral striae do not reach elytral half apically, often unrecognizable beneath coarse elytral punctation; fourth dorsal elytral stria basally connected with sutural elytral stria; sutural elytral stria well impressed, in punctures, almost reaching elytral apex; between it and elytral suture a row of small round punctures present.

Elytral disc (with exception of elytral epipleura, humeri, smooth apical elytral band and a small ‘mirror’ between fourth dorsal elytral and sutural striae) completely covered with deep regular and very dense and coarse punctation; punctures separated by about half their diameter; elytral ‘mirrors’ between each other not divided by a band of punctation.

Propygidium (Fig. 435) almost completely exposed, about twice as broad as long, with dense and coarse punctation, punctures smaller than those of elytra; punctation of pygidium (Fig. 435) similar to that of propygidium, becoming somewhat sparser apically.

Anterior margin of median portion of prosternum (Fig. 439) obtuse-angulate; marginal prosternal stria present laterally; pre-apical foveae comparatively small; prosternal process slightly concave, surface between carinal striae smooth, laterally substrigulate with sparse deep punctures; carinal prosternal striae slightly divergent on prosternal apophysis, sub-parallel, usually not united apically; lateral prosternal striae strongly carinate, convergent anteriorly, united in front of apices of carinal prosternal striae.

Anterior margin of mesoventrite slightly emarginate medially; discal marginal mesoventral stria well impressed, carinate; disc of mesoventrite flat, smooth (at times sparsely punctate); meso-metaventral sutural stria well impressed, undulate; intercoxal disc of metaventrite smooth, with a longitudinal depression in male, area behind hind coxa with sparse punctures; lateral metaventral stria well impressed, curved outwardly, stopping short of metacoxa; lateral disc of metaventrite (Fig. 441) slightly concave, with deep setiferous punctures of various sizes; metepisternum + fused metepimeron (Fig. 441) with much coarser and denser punctation, punctures without setae.

Intercoxal disc of the first abdominal sternite completely striate laterally; almost smooth, with sparse punctures along lateral, anterior and posterior margins.

Protibia (Figs. 442–443) flattened and somewhat dilated, outer margin with five moderately large triangular teeth topped with short rounded denticle followed by two minuscule denticles; setae of outer row moderately dense, regular and short; setae of median row similarly dense and regular, somewhat shorter than those of outer row; protarsal groove moderately deep; anterior protibial stria carinate, almost complete, shortened apically; one rather long and thin + one shorter but stouter tarsal denticle present apically; protibial spur tiny, straight, growing out from apical protibial margin; apical margin of protibia posteriorly with two tiny rounded apical denticles; outer part of posterior surface of protibia (Fig. 443) areolate-rugose; distinctly separated from glabrous median part of posterior surface, basally with two minuscule denticles; posterior protibial stria complete, terminating in three tiny inner-posterior denticles; inner margin with double row of short setae.

Mesotibia slender, outer margin with two sparse rows of thin denticles growing in size apically; setae of outer row sparse, strongly sclerotized; setae of median row irregular, microscopic; posterior mesotibial stria shortened apically; anterior surface of mesotibia glabrous; anterior mesotibial stria shortened apically; mesotibial spur stout, rather long; apical margin with several tiny denticles; claws of apical tarsomere shorter than half its length; metatibia basically similar to mesotibia, but slenderer and denticles of outer margin much sparser than those of mesotibia.

Male genitalia. Eighth sternite (Figs. 444–445) longitudinally entirely fused medially, apically with large inflatable membrane (velum); furnished with sparse microscopic setae; eighth tergite and eighth sternite fused laterally (Fig. 446). Morphology of 9 th tergite (Figs. 447–448) typical for the subfamily; spiculum gastrale (Fig. 451) expanded on both ends. Basal piece of aedeagus (Figs. 449–450) rather long, ratio of its length: length of parameres 1: 2.5; parameres fused approximately along their basal half; aedeagus curved ventrad (Fig. 450).


Published as part of Lackner, Tomáš, 2010, Review of the Palaearctic genera of Saprininae (Coleoptera: Histeridae), pp. 1-254 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (suppl.) (suppl.) 50 on pages 141-145, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4272127


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Collection code
Event date
1914-05-16 , 1976-07-12
Scientific name authorship
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Verbatim event date
1914-05-16 , 1976-07-12
Taxonomic concept label
Hypocaccus (Hypocaccus) rugiceps (Duftschmid, 1805) sec. Lackner, 2010


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  • PAYKULL G. 1798: Fauna Suecica. Insecta. Tomus I. Joh. F. Edman, Upsaliae, 10 + 358 + 2 pp.
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