Nychiodes admirabila Brandt 1938
(figs 38–40, 104, 135; map 2)
Nychiodes admirabila Brandt, 1938. Entomologische Rundschau 55 (51): 36. Holotype ♂ ([Iran]: Fort Sine-Sefid, Comèe) (in NHRS, examined).
Nychiodes admirabila safidaria Wiltshire, 1943. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, Bombay, 43, 633, (in BMNH). Hereby regarded as a new synonym of Nychiodes admirabila based on sympatric occurrence of these forms.
Nychiodes admirabilis Wiltshire, 1943. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, Bombay, 43, 632. Incorrect subsequent spelling.
Type material examined. Paratypes, 1 ♂, Iran, Fars, Strasse Chiraz Kazeroun, Fort Sine-Sefid, ca. 2200 m,, coll. Brandt, g.prep. 10920; 1 ♀, [labeled as allotype], Fars, Strasse Chiraz Kazeroun, Fort Sine-Sefid, Comee [Komehr], ca. 2600 m, 30.vii.1937, coll. Brandt, g.prep. 10921; all in NHRS. 1 ♂, same locality, ca. 2200 m, Sept.1937, coll. Brandt; 2 ♂, I same locality, ca 2600 m, Juli. 1937, coll. Brandt; 1 ♂, same locality, 2.viii.1937, coll. Brandt; all in ZFMK. 1 ♂, same locality, ca. 2200 m, 10.ix.1937, coll. Brandt; in ZSM.
Additional material studied: 3 ♂ (see appendix).
Diagnosis. Wingspan ♂ 40–41 mm, ♀ 45 mm (forewing length ♂ 20–21 mm, ♀ 23 mm) (figs 38–40). Wing colour and pattern characteristic, no confusion possible with any other Nychiodes species. Ground colour of wings light brown, with ochre-red scales in basal and subterminal areas, medial area grey-brown intermixed with dark brown to black scales, discal spots on all wings dark brown to black, exceptionally large (figs 38, 39). In rare cases medial area covered with black scales (fig. 40). Male genitalia of N. admirabila are very large and show clear diagnostic characters for a discrimination from the species occurring in southern and south-western Iran species (N. farinosa, N. subfusca, N. leviata, N. subvirida and N. divergaria): in N. admirabila costa of valva medially humped (not humped in N. farinosa, N. subfusca, N. leviata and N. divergaria; humped in N. subvirida) (see figs 98, 104, 106, 108, 113–119). N. admirabila with ampulla inferior stout and curved (small, not curved in N. subvirida) (figs 104, 110, 111). Female genitalia of N. admirabila with a characteristic quadratic, apically concave lamella postvaginalis (antero-posteriorly extended in N. subvirida, and N. divergaria; not extended in N. farinosa; rounded with foldings in N. subfusca; not extended, small in N. leviata). In N. admirabila apophyses anteriores 1/4 length of apophyses posteriores (1/ 3 in N. farinosa and N. leviata; 1/ 9 in N. subfusca; apophyses anteriores strongly reduced in N. subvirida and N. divergaria) (see figs 135–142).
Phenology. Flying from May to September.
Biology. Unknown.
Habitat. In altitudes from 1890 up to 2800 m.
Distribution. Distributed in south-western Iran (map 2).
DNA barcoding. Nearest species (minimum pairwise distances): N. subfusca (5.1%), N. eberti sp. nov. (5.8%) and N. antiquaria (5.8%) (fig. 145).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1937-06-16 , 1937-07-30 , 1937-08-02 , 1937-09-10
- Family
- Geometridae
- Genus
- Nychiodes
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Lepidoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Brandt
- Species
- admirabila
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- allotype , holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 1937-06-16 , 1937-07-30 , 1937-08-02 , 1937-09-10
- Taxonomic concept label
- Nychiodes admirabila Brandt, 1938 sec. Wanke, Hausmann, Krogmann, Petrányi & Rajaei, 2020
- Brandt, W. (1938) Beitrag zur Lepidopteren-Fauna von Iran. Neue Gattungen, Arten und Formen (Macrolepidoptera). Entomologische Rundschau, 55, pp. 1 - 72.
- Wiltshire, E. P. (1943) Early stages of oriental palearctic Lepidoptera. V. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, Bombay, 43, 621 - 634.