Published July 27, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Arthrolytus maculipennis


Arthrolytus maculipennis (W ALKER, 1835) (Figs 1 l-n; 2f, 3n)

Arthrolytus maculipennis (WALKER, 1835), MASI (1925: 32), new combination for Pteromalus

maculipennis WALKER, 1835. T y p e m a t e r i a l s: Pteromalus maculipennis WALKER, 1835: 191. New species, Lectotype, ♀,

BMNH, United Kingdom.

S y n o n y m s:givenbyGRAHAM (1969), NOYES (2017).

D i a g n o s i s: ♀: Antenna (Fig. 1n) with anelli plus F1 2.4x as long as pedicellus; F1 2.21x as long as width; F2 slightly longer than width; F3 quadrate; F4 slightly, F5-F6 distinctly transverse. club 0.88x as long as F1. Malar space hardly one third length of an eye; Forewing (Fig. 3n) with stigmal vein forming an less acute angle 40 o with the postmarginal vein; costal cell of fore wing 10.5-11 times as long as broad; sometimes relatively longer; submarginal vein 1.63x as long as marginal vein; marginal vein 1.57x stigmal vein; post marginal vein equal to marginal vein. Propodeum with transverse costula, median and plicae. Metasoma 1.3x longer than as mesosoma. Antennal scape and pedicel pale, flagellum dark; mesosoma black, forewing with black spot; Metasoma often with a pale transverse band on the basal tergite, sometimes the whole base yellowish. Legs with coxae and femora mostly black, concolorous with body, at most tips of femora and tibiae and tarsi pale coloroud.

: Similar to ♀ except as follows: Antennae (Fig. 2f; Fig. 289 of BOUCEK & RASPLUS (1991) with all 9 flagellar segments separated by peduncles, therefore no club is differentiated; combined length of pedicel and flagellum 2.1-2.75 times the breadth of the head; segments of funicle elongate, the first 3.5-5.5 times, the seventh 1.8-3.0 times as long as broad; scape 11, in anterior view its anterior margin distinctly convex, posterior margin almost straight; distinctly expanded in its upper half, where there is a distinct shiny boss on its outer aspect; pedicel 1.5x as long as wide and 0.26x as long as F1; flagellum 70, 6.36x length of scape, filiform; funicular segments gradually decreasing in length, F1 11.5; F2 9; F3 7.5; F4 7; F5 7; F6 6.5; F7 5, 2.5x as long as wide; F8 4.5; F9 6 (=club 1 segmented), acuminate, short, 0.52x as long as F1; linear sensillae on F1 5, in 3 rows; F2-F9 4 in 2 rows, (3 apically 1 medially); Fore wing with costal cell 10-13 times as long as broad; speculum sometimes effaced by scattered hairs; Fore wing with speculum, on lower surface of wing, more or less effaced by scattered hairs; basal cell partly, sometimes entirely, pilose. Larger species, up to 3.1 mm.

Diagnostic characters were created from WALKER (1835), GAHAN (1933), GRAHAM (1969) and Figure 289 of BOUCEK & RASPLUS (1991).

H o s t: listed by GRAHAM (1969), NOYES (2017).

D i s t r i b u t i o n: Bulgaria (THUROCZY 1990), Czech Republic (KALINA 1989), France (ASHMEAD 1897; GRAHAM 1969), Germany (GRAHAM 1969; VIDAL 2001),), Hungary (HERTING 1978), Italy (VIDAL 1997), Moldova (BOUCEK 1961; 1965; DZHANOKMEN, 1978; TSELIKH 2011), Netherlands (GIJSWIJT 2003), Rusia, Sakhalin Oblast (TSELIKH 2011), Spain (GARRIDO & NIEVES ALDREY 1992; GARRIDO TORRES & NIEVES ALDREY 1999), Sweden (HANSSON 1991; GRAHAM 1969; HEDQVIST 2003), United Kingdom (WALKER 1835; THOMSON 1958; BOUCEK & GRAHAM 1978; GRAHAM 1969), England (THOMSON 1958).


Published as part of Doğanlar, Mikdat, 2018, World species of Arthrolytus (Hymenoptera Pteromalidae, Pteromalinae), with description of new species, pp. 255-289 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1) on pages 281-282, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3985426


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Arthrolytus maculipennis (Walker, 1835) sec. Doğanlar, 2018


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  • MASI L. (1925): Chalcididae raccolte in Cirenaica dal Dott. V. Zanon. - Annali del Museo Civico di Storia. Naturale Giacomo Doria. Genova 49: 168 - 193.
  • NOYES J. S. (2017): Universal Chalcidoidea Database, Natural History Museum London. - Available from: www. nhm. ac. uk / entomology / chalcidoids / index. html (accessed April, 2017).
  • GAHAN A. B. (1933): The Serphoid and Chalcidoid parasites of the Hessian fly. - Misc.
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  • VIDAL S. (ed.) (1997): Determination list of entomophagous insects. Nr. 13. - Bulletin.
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  • GIJSWIJT M. J. (2003): Naamlijst van de Nederlandse bronswespen (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). - Nederlands e Faunistische Mededelingen 18: 17 - 79.
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