Published December 17, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Mykolayiv National Agrarian University


Goal. The purpose of the work is to analyze the features and substantiate the advantages of the spatial radial electromagnetic system of a single-phase transformer with rectangular sections of the rods of a charged magnetic circuit. Methodology. Improvement of single-phase transformers is possible by structural-geometric transformations of active elements. The justification of the advantages of such transformations is achieved by the method of invariant objective functions with dimensionless optimization components and universal relative controlled variables. Results. Replacing the rectangular contours of the variants of a planar magnetic circuit with a hexagonal circuit leads to a decrease in the volume of steel and the loss of three angular zones of changes in the direction of the magnetic flux relative to the texture compared to planar counterparts. The separation of the windings into sections with an arrangement on three rods leads to a decrease in the average length of the coil. Originality. A three-core magnetic core can consist of rod and jugular-angular parallelogram plates of anisotropic and isotropic electrical steel. It is advisable to combine a combination of steels by integral welding of billets with subsequent separation into chevron jugular-rod elements. The method called on has developed mathematical models of the mass, cost, and active power losses of variants of a single-phase electromagnetic system of a transformer with rod and armor planar and spatial radial three-core magnetic cores. Practical significance. It was found that the decrease in the extrema of the mass and cost indicators, as well as the calculated decrease, under the condition that the coefficients of additional losses are identical, the extrema of the losses of the single-phase radial three-rod system of the transformer relative to the planar analogue with a bar stocked magnetic wire from anisotropic steel, respectively 13,0-12,3 %, 15,3-10,1 % and 15,1-18,1 % with copper windings and 10,8-10,2 %, 12,8-13,7 % and 12,6-12,3 % with aluminum windings. The main indicators of traditional single-phase systems with rod and armored magnetic circuits differ insignificantly, which is consistent with early known optimization and calculation data of transformers.


Design and technological proposals for improving a single-phase transformer with laminated magnetic core.pdf

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