Published July 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Phanerotoma lutea Kittel & Austin 2015, sp. nov.


Phanerotoma lutea sp. nov. (Figures 12a d, 16) Description

Body measurements. Length of body 3.7 5.45 mm females, 3.65 5.1 mm males; ratio of antenna to body 0.8 in females, 1.0 in males; ratio of length of fore wing to body 0.8; ratio of length of metasoma to mesosoma 1.1.

Head. Ratio of length of third antennomere to fourth 1.0; length of third, fourth, penultimate and terminal antennomere 3.3 4.3, 3.2 4.7, 1.2 2.7 and 1.5 2.8 times their width, respectively; ratio of length of eye in dorsal view to length of temple 1.7 2.1; ratio of width of face in anterior view to its height 1.9 2.3; ratio of width of clypeus to its height 1.7 2.2; clypeus with three teeth; ratio of length of malar space to base of mandible 0.4 0.9; face, vertex and frons traverse strigose; ratio posterior ocelli:LOL:POL: OOL 1.0:0.6:0.6:2.0 females 1.0:0.7:0.7:1.9 males.

Mesosoma. Middle lobe of mesoscutum rugose; notauli weakly present; mesoscutellum rugose; mesopleuron rugose; precoxal sulcus present; ratio of height of mesosoma to its length 1.6 1.7; propodeal tubercles present; blister on mid tibia present; ratio of length of hind tibia to hind tarsus 0.9 1.1; ratio of length of posterior spur to length of basal tarsus 0.35 0.48; ratio hind coxa, hind femur, hind tibia and hind tarsus 2.2, 3.0 5.0, 4.0 5.0 and 14.0 23.0 times their width, respectively; fore wing: 2-R1 absent; ratio of length of 1-R1 to length of pterostigma 1.3; ratio of width of pterostigma to its length 2.4 3.3; ratio r:3-SR:SR-1:r-m 1.0:4.0 6.0:13.0 16.0:1.6 2.2; 1-SR+M emanating from parastigma; 2- SR+M interstitial, antefurcal or postfurcal.

Metasoma. Shape of metasoma oval in dorsal view; ratio of width of metasoma to its length 0.55 0.6; carapace broadens to posterior end in lateral view; ratio of keel to length of metasoma 0.19 0.21; first and second tergite longitudinal strigose, third tergite rugose; curvature of second suture slightly towards anterior end; ratio of the three metasomal tergites 1.0:0.7 0.9:1.2 1.3.

Colour. Overall orange; interocellar area dark; wing venation, parastigma and pterostigma brown.


Phanerotoma lutea forms along with P. behriae a species complex, where species have three teeth on the clypeus, a short r vein and a long 3-SR vein. Only these two species represent the complex in Australia. Hence, P. lutea can be distinguished from P. behriae by its overall yellow colour and from all other species by the above characters.

Specimens examined

Holotype, Australia (South Australia): 1 ♀, 27 October 2010, Bon Bon Station 30°25'29 S, 135°28'41 E, R. Kittel, at light; Bush Blitz survey RK125'' (SAM). Paratypes, Australia (Queensland): 2 ♀♀, 2 km N Rokeby, 13.40°S, 142.40°E, 12 September 1993, P. Zborowski and S. Shattuck, LT (ANIC); 1 ♀, Woobadda River, 15.58°S, 145.22°E, 25 August 1992, J.C. Cardale and P. Zborowski, LT (ANIC); 1 ♀, Rockhampton, 24 km S, 23°37 S, 150°06 ʹ E, 28 November 1990, T. Gush, on flowering tree, Tom Gush Collection 2567 (ANIC); 1 ♀, 11 km WbyN Bald Hill, McIlwraith Ra., 500 m, 13.44°S, 143.20°E, 26 June 13 July 1989, I.D. Naumann, LT, search party campsite (ANIC). Other material, Australia (New South Wales): 1 ♂, North Beach, Bellinger R, 21 February 1965, D.K. McAlpine and R. Lossin (AMS 358175); 1 ♀, Pilliga Scrub, via Coonabarabran, 15 December 1976, I.D. Naumann; beating and sweeping, dry sclerophyll forest (QM); Northern Territory: 1 ♀, Darwin, 17 June 1962, R. V. Southcoll (SAM); Queensland: 1 ♀, 1 ♂, 10 km SSW Cape York, 10.46°S, 142.30°E, 15 October 1992, P. Zborowski and T. Weir, LT, rainforest (ANIC); 1 ♂, Captain Billy Landing, 11.38°S, 142.51°E, 21 January 1992, I.D. Naumann and T.A. Weir (ANIC); 1 ♀, Cockatoo Ck Xing 17 km NW Heathlands, 11.39°S, 142.27°E, 15 26 January 1992, I.D. Naumann and T. Weir, LT (ANIC); 1 ♀, 14 km ENE Heathlands, 11.41°S, 142.42°E, 12 November 14 December 1993, P. Zborowski, MT (ANIC); 1 ♀, 14 km ENE Heathlands, 11.41°S, 142.42°E, 21 November 1992, P. Zborowski and A. Calder, LT rainforest (ANIC); 1 ♂, Heathlands, 11.45°S, 142.35°E, 15 26 January 1992, I.D. Naumann and T. Weir, LT (ANIC); 1 ♀, Batavia Downs, 12.41°S, 142.41°E, 22 23 August 1992, J.C. Cardale and P. Zborowski (ANIC); 1 ♀, 9 km NNW Lockhart River, 12.43°S, 143.18°E, 25 October 1992, P. Zborowski and T. Weir, LT rainforest (ANIC); 1 ♀, 2 km N Rockeby, 13.40°S, 142.40°E, 12 September 1993, P. Zborowski and S. Shattuck, LT (ANIC); 1 ♀, WbyN Bald Hill McIlwraith Ra 500 m, 13.44°S, 143.20°E, 11 km, 26 June 13 July 1989, I.D. Naumann, LT search party campsite (ANIC); 1 ♀, Mt White, 13.58°S, 143.11°E, 12 January 1994, P. Zborowski and E.D. Edwards, LT (ANIC); 1 ♂, Turnoff to Captain Billy Landing, 11.41°S, 142.42°E, 20 August 1992, J.C. Cardale and P. Zborowski, LT (ANIC); 1 ♀, Lizard Island, NNE of Cooktown, N. Qld, 16 November 1974, M.S. and B.J. Moulds (AMS K 358191); 1 ♀, Tonga 20 July 57 D.J.P. (QM); 1 ♂, East Claudie Riv, 1 July 1982, M.A. Schneider and G. Daniels, MVL (QM); 1 ♀, Lam. NP 25 May 1962 J. Cribb (QM); 1 ♀, Gatton 15 December 1952 Prasai (QM); 1 ♂, ex Cissus antarctica (QM); 1 ♂, NEQ, Kingfisher Park 1 km N Julatten, 16°36 ʹ S, 145°20 ʹ E, 29 September 1997 C.J. Burwell (QM); 1 ♂, NEQ, Wallaman Falls Rd Junction, 650 m, 18°39 ʹ S, 145°52 ʹ E, 5 12 February 1996, Monteith, Flight intercept, RF (QM); South Australia: 1 ♀, Kangaroo Island, Flinders Chase NP, West Bay, coastal Mallee, January 1986, A.D. Austin (WINC); 1 ♀, 9.6 km N of Hawker, 29 February 1972, E.G. Matthews, LT (SAM); 1 ♂, Marree, 3 December 1964, P. Aitken and W. Head, LT (SAM); 4 ♂♂, 11 km SW by W Calperum HS, 34.06°S, 140.37°E, 28 February 1995, Cardale, Colloff, Pullen, LT; Calperum Station / Bookmark Biosphere Reserve Invertebrate Survey (ANIC).


One specimen reared from Kangaroo Treebine (Cissus antarctica) Vitaceae.


The name lutea refers to the overall yellow appearance of the species.


New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia (including Bon Bon Station; Figure 16).

CO1 sequence

Genbank accession number for this species is KJ438623.


Published as part of Kittel, Rebecca N. & Austin, Andrew D., 2015, New species of Australian arid zone chelonine wasps from the genera Phanerotoma and Ascogaster (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) informed by the ' Bush Blitz' surveys of national reserves, pp. 211-262 in Journal of Natural History 50 on pages 253-255, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2015.1074747,


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