Chalcis intervalensis Saguiah & Molin & Tavares 2020, sp. nov.
- 1. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Animal), 29.075 - 910, Vitória,
- 2. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Animal), 29.075 - 910, Vitória, & Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Microbiologia e Parasitologia, 59078 - 970, Natal, RN, Brazil. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0633 - 3888
- 3. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Animal), 29.075 - 910, Vitória, & Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, 29.075 - 910, Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0768 - 9843
Chalcis intervalensis Saguiah & Tavares, sp. nov.
Figs 5 a–f, 6a–d, 7a–d
Diagnosis. Both sexes. Mesepisternum entirely sculptured, foveolate along outer margin to foveate-reticulate medially (Fig. 5e); metafemur ventrally with outer basal tooth the largest and as distant from second tooth as second is from the third tooth, the second tooth usually minute and the following teeth gradually increasing in size up to the sixth tooth (Fig. 6b); petiole cylindrical, 3.2–3.7× as long as wide. Female. Protarsal claws only slightly curved, ventrally with 4 or 5 basal spines followed by 1 curved seta (Fig. 6a). Male. Ventral plaque on distal quarter of antennal scape and with thin elongate sensillum (Fig. 7b); hypopygium with V-shaped distal notch (Fig. 7d).
Description. FEMALE. Length 5.0–7.0 mm. Color: Predominantly black, with following parts yellow (size of spots on mesosoma varies and mesosoma may be entirely black) (Figs 5 a–c, 6b): parascrobal area, maxillary and labial palps, two spots on pronotal collar submedially (Fig. 5b) (occasionally the entire posterior margin of collar), along lateral margin of median lobe of mesoscutum, lateral lobe of mesoscutum posteriorly (occasionally absent), mesoscutellum laterally, tegula, pro- and mesotrochanter apically, pro- and mesofemur apically, inner face of protibia, mesotibia basally, tarsi, outer face of metafemur anteriorly and apically (occasionally also with a elongate spot along upper margin) (Fig. 6b), metatibia subbasally (Fig. 6b), petiole dorsally and ventro-distally, lateral spots on Gt1, Gt2 and Gt3 (occasionally with complete transverse bands on Gt3 to Gt7+8). Pedicel and ventro-basal area of petiole brown (occasionally black). Wings infuscate (Figs 5a, b).
Head. Lower face not bulging above clypeus, with elongate umbilicate fovea enclosed by diagonal irregular carinae; parascrobal area densely foveate, interstices raised as irregular diagonal rugae, median intumescence present; malar space 0.5–0.6× eye height (Fig. 5c), malar sulcus mostly inconspicuous or absent, internal and external carinae, if present, irregular, fine and inconspicuous; gena rugose, genal carina not reaching vertex; mandibular formula 2:3 or 3:3, if 3:3 median teeth inconspicuous; antennal scrobe from coriaceous ventrally to irregularly strigulate dorsally and with transverse V-shaped carina below median ocellus; interantennal projection with median carina dorsally, carina extending to median ocellus. MOD:POL:APL:OOL = 0.16:0.30:0.09:0.26. Scape 4.3 – 5.3× as long as wide, inner face flattened; anellus about 0.5× as long as wide (Fig. 5d); Fu1 longer than all other funicular segments, about 2× as long as wide, and 1.2× as long as Fu2 length (Fig. 5d).
Mesosoma. Mesoscutum with interstices coriaceous and dull, narrower than diameter of umbilicate foveae; mesoscutellum convex, frenal carina forming two sublateral lobes; mesopleuron with mesepisternum foveolate along outer margin to foveate-reticulate medially, interstices from smooth and shiny along outer margin to coriaceous along inner margin (Fig. 5e); propodeum with irregular median carina, submedian carina absent, anterior and posterior costulae irregular, adpetiolar area with narrow and irregular areola medially, anterosubmedial area areolaterugose (Fig. 6c); tarsomeres 4 and 5 of all legs with pubescence similar to basal tarsomeres (Fig. 5f); protarsomeres 4 and 5 ventrally without pairs of distinct peg-like spines; protarsal claws only slightly curved, ventrally with 4 or 5 basal spines followed by 1 long setae (Fig. 6a); mesocoxa densely pubescent posteriorly; mesotibial spur 0.6× as long as the width of the mesotibial apex; metacoxa punctate-rugose dorsally, inner face pubescent; metafemur with outer face densely punctate and interstices coriaceous, ventrally without inner basal tooth but with 9 teeth along outer margin, outer basal tooth the largest and as distant from second tooth as second tooth is from third tooth, the second tooth usually minute and the following teeth gradually increasing in size up to the sixth tooth (Fig. 6b); metatibia with apical spine slender and longer than the apical width of metatibia (Fig. 6b); metatarsomere 1 slightly longer than any of tarsomeres 2–5. Fore wing SMV:MV:PMV = 1.88:0.92:0.92.
Metasoma. Petiole 3.2–3.7× as long as wide, cylindrical, with weak dorsolateral carina along basal third, ventrally without longitudinal carina; hypopygial median projection apically with distinct set of short and appressed bristles, ventrally with bristles at most as long as the width of hypopygial projection in lateral view (Fig. 6d); ovipositor sheath rounded apically, with some long setae (Fig. 6d).
MALE. Length: 5.4–5.5 mm. Similar to females (Fig. 7a), except: antennal scape with ventral plaque on distal quarter and with thin elongate sensillum (Fig. 7b); tarsal claws bifid and pectinate (Fig. 7c); hypopygium with concave surface and V-shaped distal notch (Fig. 7d).
Material examined. Holotype. ♀ (UFES), ‘ Brasil, São Paulo, Ribeirão Grande, Parque Estadual Intervales, 24°16’28.7’’S 48°25’17.3’’W, 21.II.2011, Malaise p2, N.W. Perioto e eq. col. (UFES, nº 163889) ’. Paratypes (37♀, 36♂). Brazil. Paraná. Piraquara, Mananciais da Serra, 3.XII.2005, L.C. Rocha-Filho col. (1♀, DZUP); São José dos Pinhais, VIII.1962, S. Laroca col. (1♀, DZUP). Rio de Janeiro. Itatiaia, Parque Nacional de Itatiaia, 22°26’S, 44°36’O, 30.I.2012, Malaise Trap, R. F. Monteiro col. (1♀, MZSP); Rio Grande do Sul. Arroio Grande, 32°3’22’S, 53°11’57’’W, 101 m, Malaise, on 29.XI.2002, 06.XII.2002, 02.I.2004, 09.I.2004, R.F. Krüger col. (1♀, 3♂, UFES); São Leopoldo, Staudinger col. (1♀, NHMUK); K. Staudinger col. (1♀, 3♂, ZSM). Santa Catarina. [Seara], Nova Teutônia, on: 8.XII.1937, 27.XI.1952, F. Plaumann col. (2♂, NHMUK). São Paulo. 31♀, 28♂: same or similar data as holotype collected in the coordinates and as pointed. Point 1, 24°16’28.0’’S 48°25’14.8’’W, 23.XI.2009 (1♀, 5♂, UFES), 22.XII.2009 (1♀, DZUP; 1♀, MNRJ; 1♀, MZSP; 7♀, UFES), 22.I.2010 (1♀, 1♂, UFES), 21.I.2011 (1♂, DZUP; 1♂, MNRJ; 1♂, MZSP; 2♂, UFES); point 2, 24°16’28.7’’S 48°25’17.3’’W, 22.XII.2009 (1♀, DZUP; 1♀, MNRJ; 1♀, MZSP; 3♀, UFES), 22.I.2010 (1♂, UFES), 21.I.2011 (1♀, 1♂, DZUP; 1♀, 1♂, MNRJ; 1♀, 1♂, MZSP; 2♀, 3♂, UFES), 21.II.2011 (1♀, 1♂, UFES); point 3, 24°16’27.7’’S 48°25’19.3’’W, 22.XII.2009 (1♀, UFES), 21.I.2011 (3♀, UFES); point 4, 24°16’28.8’’S 48°25’20.6’’W, 22.I.2010 (2♂, UFES), 21.III.2011 (1♂, UFES); point 5, 24°16’28.6’’S 48°25’21.8’’W, 22.I.2010 (1♂, DZUP; 1♂, MNRJ; 1♂, MZSP; 1♀, 1♂, UFES), 20.XII.2010 (1♀, UFES), 21.III.2011 (2♂, UFES). Uruguay: Rocha. Cardoso, Campo Natural, 34°05’26.8’’S 53°52’14.4’’W, Malaise, 10.IV.2015, E. Castiglione e eq. col. (1♀, UFES).
Other specimens examined (81♀, 267♂). Same or similar data as holotype collected in the coordinates and as pointed. Point 1, 24°16’28.0’’S 48°25’14.8’’W, 23.XI.2009 (14♂, UFES), 22.XII.2009 (2♀, 56♂, UFES), 22.I.2010 (5♀, 24♂, UFES), 20.XII.2010 (1♀, 10♂, UFES), 21.I.2011 (1♂, UFES), 21.II.2011 (1♂, UFES); point 2, 24º16’28.7’’S 48°25’17.3’’W, 23.XI.2009 (2♂, UFES), 22.XII.2009 (8♀, 11♂, UFES), 22.I.2010 (11♀, 3♂, UFES), 20.XII.2010 (2♀, 3♂, UFES), 21.I.2011 (6♀, 21♂, UFES), 21.II.2011 (2♂, UFES); point 3, 24°16’27.7’’S 48°25’19.3’’W, 23.XI.2009 (1♀, 5♂, UFES), 22.XII.2009 (17♂, UFES), 22.I.2010 (12♀, 9♂, UFES), 20.XII.2010 (1♀, 13♂, UFES), 21.I.2011 (2♀, 1♂, UFES), 21.II.2011 (2♀, 2♂, UFES); point 4, 24°16’28.8’’S 48°25’20.6’’W, 22.X.2009 (1♀, 4♂, UFES), 22.XII.2009 (6♂, UFES), 22.I.2010 (3♀, UFES), 20.XII.2010 (1♂, UFES), 21.I.2011 (3♀, 13♂, UFES), 21.III.2011 (3♀, UFES); point 5, 24°16’28.6’’S 48°25’21.8’’W, 22.I.2010 (8♀, 12♂, UFES), 20.XII.2010 (3♀, 21♂, UFES), 21.I.2011 (4♀, 10♂, UFES), 21.II.2011 (2♀, 5♂, UFES), 21.III.2011 (1♀, UFES).
Biology. Unknown.
Distribution. Brazil (Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, S„o Paulo) and Uruguay (Rocha).
Remarks. Chalcis intervalensis is distinguished from C. boi, C. ornatifrons and C. pilicauda by having a darker coloration on the medial portion of the gastral tergites, less robust body (Fig. 5a), mesepisternum mostly coriaceousfoveolate (Fig. 5e), metafemoral teeth with the first tooth closer to second tooth (Fig. 6b), female protarsal claws ventrally with 4 or 5 basal spines followed by 1 long seta (Fig. 6a), and cylindrical petiole more than 3.0× as long as wide. Chalcis intervalensis is similar to C. celis Burks, described from Mexico, in the color pattern and shape of the metafemur, but in C. intervalensis the outer basal tooth of the metafemur is usually larger than the following teeth, and the male hypopygium has a V-shaped distal notch (shallow U-shaped notch in C. celis).
Etymology. The name of this species refers to Intervales State Park (Parque Estadual de Intervales), S„o Paulo, where this species is abundant.
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Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 2005-12-03 , 2009-10-22 , 2009-11-23 , 2009-12-22 , 2010-01-22 , 2010-12-20 , 2011-01-21 , 2011-02-21 , 2011-03-21 , 2012-01-30 , 2015-04-10
- Family
- Chalcididae
- Genus
- Chalcis
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hymenoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Saguiah & Molin & Tavares
- Species
- intervalensis
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 2005-12-03 , 2009-10-22 , 2009-11-23 , 2009-12-22 , 2009-12-22/2010-01-22 , 2010-01-22 , 2010-01-22/12-20 , 2010-12-20 , 2011-01-21 , 2011-01-21/02-21 , 2011-02-21 , 2011-03-21 , 2012-01-30 , 2015-04-10
- Taxonomic concept label
- Chalcis intervalensis Saguiah & Tavares, 2020