Published June 30, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Parliament not-Parliaments: Legislature of Pakistan in the Hatching (1947-69)

  • 1. Associate Editor of Pakistan Journal of History and Culture and Research Fellow at NIHCR, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan


The evolution of parliamentary system in an ideological state, with two major units; miles apart on the globe, having multiple social and regional identities, and claiming being a federation has been a unique experience. After getting independence from the British, Pakistan decided to opt for a parliamentary form of government. The process was based on single house i.e. legislative assembly which was entrusted with dual responsibilities of framing the constitution and making legislation to run the state system. Initially, its membership was based on indirect elections through the elected representative on provincial basis in the elections of 1946 conducted by the British government. This system of indirect elections for national legislature was kept in practice till 1970 general elections after twenty three years of independence of Pakistan. First and second decades experienced multiple changes of electoral process and that of the practices of the floor of the constituent assembly. Apparently it is claimed that there had been major changes in the parliament of Pakistan with reference to the system of elections, and membership but certain practices seem consistent till date. The present study is an effort to analyse the early phase of the parliament which provided the basis for the parliamentary system of Pakistan.


3-Parliament not-Parliaments Legislature of Pakistan in the Hatching (1947-69).pdf