Planned intervention: On Thursday 19/09 between 05:30-06:30 (UTC), Zenodo will be unavailable because of a scheduled upgrade in our storage cluster.

There is a newer version of the record available.

Published December 15, 2020 | Version v0.22.2
Software Open

JuliaData/DataFrames.jl: v0.22.2

  • 1. Facebook
  • 2. SGH Warsaw School of Economics
  • 3. Franch Institute for Demographic Studies (Ined)
  • 4. Google
  • 5. Technical University of Munich
  • 6. University of Wisconsin
  • 7. Electric Power Research Institute
  • 8. SecondSpectrum
  • 9. Beacon Biosignals
  • 10. University of California, Berkeley
  • 11. Rutgers University
  • 12. @JuliaComputing
  • 13. Julia Computing
  • 14. @JuliaComputing / @NYU-MSDSE-SWG
  • 15. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 16. Sciences Po
  • 17. @invenia Labs


DataFrames v0.22.2

Diff since v0.22.1

Closed issues:

  • ComposedFunction not found on julia 1.5.3 (#2562)
  • :auto does not work in DataFrame() (#2565)
  • How to cite this package? (#2568)
  • ArgumentError: syntax df[column] is not supported use df[!, column] instead (#2570)
  • DataAPI.describe argument passing function pair throws error (#2577)
  • 0.22 breaks getindex(::DataFrame, ::Array{Symbol,1}) (#2579)
  • combine function failed to return mutliple columns (#2580)
  • select bug with reordered groups (#2581)
  • Error when showing dataframe in terminal (#2582)

Merged pull requests:

  • remove deprecations and CategoricalArrays.jl dependency (#2554) (@bkamins)
  • add links to curated DataFrames.jl materials (#2557) (@bkamins)
  • Improve inference in vcat (#2559) (@timholy)
  • additional tests to improve coverage (#2560) (@bkamins)
  • Update DataFramesMeta blurb (#2561) (@pdeffebach)
  • Make GroupedDataFrame show tests more robust to context (#2571) (@nalimilan)
  • Fix Markdown in test (#2572) (@nalimilan)
  • Add Apache Arrow reference in the manual (#2575) (@bkamins)
  • fix display problem with Turing.jl (#2583) (@bkamins)



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