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Published December 1, 2020 | Version 1.2
Poster Open

55 Detours with which Parkinson patients bypass freezing (Poster)

  • 1. Verbeeldingskr8
  • 2. Radboud UMC, Sint Maartenskliniek


A visualisation of 55 detours with which Parkinson patients bypass freezing, made by Marina Noordegraaf and dr. Jorik Nonnekes. Based on the overview and classification of the many available compensation strategies for freezing in Parkinson's which appeared in JAMA Neurol: 

Nonnekes J, Růžička E, Nieuwboer A, Hallett M, Fasano A, Bloem BR. Compensation Strategies for Gait Impairments in Parkinson Disease: A Review. JAMA Neurol. Published online March 25, 2019, 76(6):718–725. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2019.0033 (The author version of the article is available here

The poster can be downloaded in:

  • English
  • Dutch (Nederlands)
  • Czech (translated and edited by Ota Gál, MA, PhD. Department of Neurology and Centre of Clinical Neuroscience, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague)



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