Published November 27, 2020
| Version v1
Journal article
Nowe dane o taksonomii i rozmieszczeniu Tetrops gilvipes ssp. adlbaueri Lazarev, 2012 oraz Tetrops praeustus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
- 1. ul. dr. Seweryna Sterlinga 2/10, 97-200 Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Polska, e-mail:
- 2. ul. Królowej Jadwigi 19 m. 21, 26-600 Radom, Polska, e-mail:
- 3. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Lasów Naturalnych, 17-230 Białowieża, Polska, e-mail:
New data about taxonomy and distribution of Tetrops gilvipes ssp. adlbaueri Lazarev, 2012 and Tetrops praeustus (Linnaeus, 1758).
New data about Tetrops gilvipes ssp. adlbaueri Lazarev, 2012 as the new species for the fauna of Poland, Hungary and as the new subspecies for the fauna of Ukraine. New records of Tetrops praeustus (Linnaeus, 1758) based on the new verified materials are presented with distributional maps. Comments on biology, host plants and distribution in Central Europe are given. Due to great difficulty in distinguishing this species from T. praeustus, an original, richly illustrated key useful for separation the two species is also provided.
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