Tonality classicalDB Dataset
The Tonality classicalDB Dataset includes 880 classical musical pieces across different styles from s.XVII to s.XX annotated with single-key labels.
Tonality classicalDB Dataset was created as part of:
Gómez, E. (2006). PhD Thesis. Tonal description of music audio signals.
Department of Information and Communication Technologies.
This dataset is mainly intended to assess the performance of computational key estimation algorithms in classical music.
2020 note: The audios are privates. If you don't have the original audio collection, you could create it from your private collection because most of the recordings are well known. To this end, we provide musicbrainz metadata. Moreover, we have added the spectrum and HPCP chromagram of each audio.
This dataset can be used with mirdata library:
Spectrum features have been computed as is shown here:
HPCP chromagram has been computed as is shown here:
Musicbrainz metadata has been computed as is shown here: