Published November 19, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Supporting Information for "Short-term ionospheric TEC variations from Global Ionosphere Maps"


The following files are included:

  1. resAm6.7z (compressed 7z file): (2004-2017) residuals in MATLAB matrix format from the Total Electron Content (TEC) model of "New modes and mechanisms of long-term ionospheric TEC variations from Global Ionosphere Maps" doi: 10.1029/2019JA027703. The geomagnetic contribution in the model is set to constant Am=6, so that short-term variations can be properly investigated.
    Grid format: res(Time, Latitude, Longitude). Time is given as modified Julian Date in the MJD matrix. Latitude is [90N:90S]=[1:71]. Longitude is [180W:180E]=[1:73]



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Research on progress. Unpublished results. Please ask for permission.

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