Published November 17, 2020 | Version v1
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Comparative gene expression analysis reveals mechanism of Pinus contorta response to the fungal pathogen Dothistroma septosporum

  • 1. University of Calgary
  • 2. University of British Columbia
  • 3. Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations
  • 4. Université Laval


Many conifers have distributions that span wide ranges in both biotic and abiotic conditions, but the basis of response to biotic stress has received much less attention than response to abiotic stress. In this study, we investigated the gene expression response of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) to attack by the fungal pathogen Dothistroma septosporum, which causes Dothistroma needle blight (DNB), a disease that has caused severe climate-related outbreaks in northwestern British Columbia. We inoculated tolerant and susceptible pines with two D. septosporum isolates and analyzed the differentially expressed genes, differential exon usage, and co-expressed gene modules using RNA-seq data. We found a rapid and strong transcriptomic response in tolerant lodgepole pine samples inoculated with one D. septosporum isolate, and a late and weak response in susceptible samples inoculated with another isolate. We mapped 43 of the DEG- or gene-module-identified genes to the reference plant-pathogen interaction pathway deposited in KEGG database. These genes are present in PAMP-triggered and effector-triggered immunity pathways, including genes encoding mitogen-activated protein kinase and disease resistance protein. Genes comprising pathways and gene modules had signatures of strong selective constraint, while the highly expressed genes in tolerant samples appear to have been favored by selection to counterattack the pathogen. We identified candidate resistance genes that may respond to D. septosporum effectors. Taken together, our results show that gene expression response to D. septosporum infection in lodgepole pine varies both among tree genotypes and pathogen strains, and involves both known candidate genes and a number of genes with previously unknown functions.


The file Pinus_contorta_reference_transcriptome includes 27,371 lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) genes (in FASTA format) that were analyzed in the manuscript.

The files Pcontorta_annotation_GO, Pcontorta_annotation_KO, and Pcontorta_annotation_description contain the annotated GO (Gene Ontology) terms, KO (KEGG Orthology ) terms, and potential gene function separately. The first column contains the gene identifiers which can be found in the file Pinus_contorta_reference_transcriptome. The second column contains the annotation terms.

The files AM_list, DEG_list, DEU_list, pathogenpathway_gene, includes genes identfied from different analyses. The AM_list file includes the genes of the gene modules that were related to D. septosporum infection phenotypes; DEG_list includes gene identified as differentially expressed genes; DEU_list includes the genes containing differential exon usage; pathogenpathway_gene includes the genes that can be mapped to plant-pathogen interaction pathway. 

T — tolerant lodgepole pine samples; S — susceptible lodgepole pine samples; D1 — D. septosporum isolate 1; D2 — D. septosporum isolate 2; 4d — 4 days post inoculation; 8w — 8 weeks post inoculation; 12w — 12 weeks post inoculation.

Funding provided by: Genome Canada
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number: 241REF

Funding provided by: British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number:

Funding provided by: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number:

Funding provided by: Alberta Innovates
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number:


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