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Published November 12, 2020 | Version v1
Other Open

A guide to using virtual events to facilitate community building: Curated resources

  • 1. The CSCCE
  • 2. Software Sustainability Institute
  • 3. Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
  • 4. The Turing Way
  • 5. Columbia University
  • 6. ROpenSci
  • 7. University of Montreal
  • 8. VU Amsterdam
  • 9. Code for Science and Society
  • 10. Earthcube
  • 11. Arctic Data Center
  • 12. University of Alaska
  • 13. Michigan State University


This is the second published part of our guide to online events. In this section we focus on curating links to useful resources about virtual events - including case studies of conferences and trainings that moved online at short notice. The section of the guide that describes event formats is already available, and can be downloaded here.


CSCCE guide to virtual events - curated resources.pdf

Files (799.2 kB)