Published October 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi


Object of research: comparative assessment and selection of an unmanned aerial vehicle for mine reconnaissance sample.

Investigated problem: substantiation of the methodological apparatus for comparative assessment and selection of an unmanned aerial vehicle for mine reconnaissance sample, taking into consideration the presence of both quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Main scientific results: the methods of comparative assessment and selection of an unmanned aerial vehicle for mine reconnaissance sample is developed. The technique is based on an expert method, which allows a drone sample to be evaluated and selected objectively, taking into consideration the presence of both quantitative and qualitative indicators. At the same time, group interaction and discussion of experts are realized. When the judgments do not coincide, an artificial consensus is not imposed. The number of experts is not limited. The experts are not linked in any way. The need to ensure transitive consistency (10–12 %) makes it possible to record attempts by an expert (experts) to artificially overestimate the indicators of one of the drone samples (or the one being evaluated), therefore, the indicators of another sample will automatically deteriorate. The principle of impartiality and fairness is maintained. A well-trained objective coordinator is not required, and the reality is that the absence of the disrupting the problem solution possibility is due to a change in the psychological situation among the experts.

Area of practical use of research results: humanitarian demining in the interests of ensuring the detection of mines for various purposes by sappers from a safe distance. At the same time, an increase within the probability of mines detecting is ensured due to special equipment installed onboard the drone.

Innovative technological product: a technique has been developed that allows not only assessing the drone samples for mine reconnaissance objectively, but making an objective choice of a sample for specific requirements also.

Scope of application of the innovative technological product: clearance of the terrain remaining after the end of hostilities. With the help of unmanned aerial vehicles, a significant acceleration of the demining process is possible, especially in those territories where mines are installed and being for a sufficiently long time.



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