- 1. State University of Infrastructure and Technology
- 2. Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
- 3. Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
- 4. Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
To reduce the dynamic loading and prolong the service life of a semi-wagon's girder beam by improving its fatigue strength, it has been proposed to improve its design. A special feature of the girder beam is that its middle part (the distance between the rear supports of auto-couplings) consists of a U-shaped profile, covered with a horizontal sheet above which an I-beam is located. Elastic elements are placed between the horizontal part of the U-shaped profile's shelf and the sheet. Mathematical modeling was performed to substantiate the proposed technical solution. A mathematical model has been constructed describing the fluctuations of the bouncing wagon. It has been established that the maximum vertical acceleration of the body is about 1.8 m/s2 (0.18 g), and of the bogie ‒ about 9.0 m/s2 (0.9 g). Based on our calculations, we can conclude that a wagon's movement is assessed as "excellent". In this case, the use of the girder beam with elastic links makes it possible to reduce the dynamic load on a wagon, in comparison with the prototype, by almost 35 %.
The main indicators of the strength of the improved load-bearing structure of a wagon have been determined. The maximum equivalent strains occur, in this case, in the upper horizontal sheet of the girder beam, and are 136.0 MPa, which are lower, by 20 %, than those of the prototype wagon. The results of the modal analysis of the load-bearing structure of a semi-wagon taking into consideration the improvement measures have demonstrated that their natural frequencies of oscillations are within the permissible limits.
Our research could help reduce the dynamic loading on the load-bearing structures of wagons in operation, as well as design the innovative structures of rolling stock
Establishing patterns in the dynamic loading on the body of a semiwagon with an elastic middle part of the girder beam.pdf
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