Modelagem da Solução de integração Café por meio de Rede de Petri Coloridas
Nowadays it is very common for companies to use a software ecosystem, these ecosystems can be made up of several applications, and it is increasingly necessary for these applications to be integrated with the intention that data and functionality can be shared between them, therefore, it is advisable to integrate applications because it brings a better cost benefit to the company that opts for this alternative. To this purpose, there are platforms that provide support for modeling and implementing integration solutions, one example of which is Guaraná. Before an integration solution can be implemented, it should be checked to avoid possible errors in the modeling, and thus prevent errors from being corrected only in late stages of its development. The purpose of this article is to model the integration solution known as Café using the Petri Nets formalism, thus generating a model that can serve as a basis for the verification and validation of this solution. We present a translation of the Café solution model, developed with the Guaraná DSL platform modeling language, to a model in Colored Petri Nets. It is hoped that this modeling can contribute to the process of verification and validation of integration solutions.
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