Published October 27, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

On the relation between the non-vacuous vacuum and quantum mechanics


  • 1. Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Whilst quantum mechanics is extremely successful in predicting and explaining the results of experiments in the micro-
scopic domain, what physical quantity the wave function actually represents is still unknown and the paradoxes arising
from it seem to have swapped one theoretical conundrum for bigger ones. In this paper, I intend to propose a con-
ceptually different scheme to describe the motion of individual particle and meanwhile to obtain a statistical ensemble
of particles position, resonating with the Copenhagen interpretation of the wave function, based on the observed fact
that the vacuum is non-vacuous. By determining the physical meaning of de Broglie wavelength both on single and
ensemble-event level, this theory is compatible with traditional quantum mechanics without violating the established
principles and laws of it. More importantly, this scheme also intuitively explains the mysterious interference effect of
particles without the necessity of introducing any counter-intuitive concept at all, which is fundamentally different from
all existing versions but in excellent agreement with our common sense and hence naturally evading difficulties and
paradoxes present in standard quantum mechanics.


On the relation between the non-vacuous vacuum and quantum mechanics.pdf

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