Published April 9, 2020 | Version 2.1
Dataset Open

Virulence mismatches in index hosts shape the outcomes of cross-species transmission

  • 1. MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research
  • 2. University of Glasgow


Supplemental data and code for the paper Virulence mismatches in index hosts shape the outcomes of cross-species transmission.

  • Dataset 1 is an R Shiny app allowing the estimation of rabies disease progression parameters for all observed combinations of virus source (reservoir) and recipient species, including within-species inoculations.
  • Dataset 2 contains the original data and the analysis code used in this study.

See the README files in each dataset folder for further information and usage instructions.


Changelog - v1.0: initial upload for peer review | v2.0: minor code changes, added documentation and data references, improved reproducibility


Files (1.5 MB)

Additional details

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Is supplement to
Journal article: 10.1073/pnas.2006778117 (DOI)


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