Published October 24, 2020 | Version 1.0
Journal article Open

Vidyankur: Journal of Philosophical and Theological Studies July-Dec 2020

  • 1. Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune, Indian


The full issue of VIDYANKUR Journal of Philosophical  and  Theological Studies July-Dec 2020

Editorial: Vision with Value 3

Naveena Jees 5

From Artificial to Affective Intelligence:
A Holistic Approach for a Better Tomorrow

Tresa Renu, SND      18
Collaborational Co-Existing with the AI:
Wedding  the Bhasmāsura with Humanity  for the Good

Joseph Madalia Muthu        31
The Irreplaceable Unique Nature of Human Being
in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Diksha Garg41
Age of the Machine Human:
The Choice Rests in the Hands of the Creator

Praveen Polanki, SJ  52
‘To Survive is to Find Meaning in Suffering’:
A Call to Celebrate Life

Kuruvilla Pandikattu, SJ  57
Emancipation for the Wretched of the Earth


Vidyankur July Dec 2020 XXII.2 Vision with Values ECopy.pdf

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