Published October 22, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Dataset: Toothbrushing Data and Analysis of its Potential Use in Human Activity Recognition Applications

  • 1. Macquarie University, Australia
  • 2. Rutgers University, USA
  • 3. The University of Adelaide, Australia


This is the dataset that accompanies the paper 'Dataset: Toothbrushing Data and Analysis of its Potential Use in Human Activity Recognition Applications'.

In this paper, we describe and analyze a time-series dataset from toothbrushing activity using brush-attached and wearable sensors. The data was collected from 17 participants when they brushed their teeth over one week in 5 different locations. The dataset consists of 62 toothbrushing sessions for each of the brush-attached and wearable sensor approaches, using both electric and manual brushes. The average duration of each session is 2 minutes. One sensor device was attached to the handle of the brush while the other was worn by the participants as a wrist-watch. We collected the data from a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope at a 200 Hz sampling rate.

Accompanying code can be found at our GitHub repository This repository contains example code demonstrating how to process the data along with the file metadata.


Appears in the Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Data Acquisition To Analysis (DATA '20)
