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Published October 8, 2020 | Version 1
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COAR Community Framework for Best Practices in Repositories.


The purpose of the framework is to assist repositories to evaluate and improve their current operations based on a set of applicable and achievable good practices.

Currently, there are a number of existing frameworks and evaluation criteria that were developed to assist repositories in assessing certain facets of their operations (such as discovery, access, reuse, integrity, quality assurance, preservation, privacy, and sustainability), but these criteria are spread across different organizations and are often relevant for only one region or one type of repository.

The aim of this work was to bring together relevant criteria into a global, multidimensional framework for assessing best practices that can be adopted and used by different types of repositories (publication, institutional, data, etc.) and in different geographical and thematic contexts.


COAR best practices framework for repositories - October 8, 2020(3).pdf

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