Published October 20, 2020 | Version Software Prototyping
Software Restricted

Living with Hazards Application

  • 1. NDTUSIC and NDRI
  • 1. NDTUSIC and NDRI
  • 2. NDTUSIC
  • 3. NDRI


this application is mainly focused on Education and information giving also all the related things to hazards which a person should know. this software is sub category of a main Software known as "Digi Hazard".

The Application License Holder is: "Natural Disasters Technology Units Scientific Incubator Center (NDTUSIC)"


The Application copyright and License Holder is: "Natural Disasters Technology Units Scientific Incubator Center (NDTUSIC)" affiliated to "Natural Disaster Research Institute (NDRI)".



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.