Published October 18, 2019 | Version 1
Project deliverable Open

EHDEN - D5.1 - Report on SME Certification Procedure and Data Source Grant Awarding developed and implemented


The European Health Data & Evidence Network (EHDEN) aspires to be the trusted observational research ecosystem to enable better health decisions, outcomes and care. Our mission is to provide a new paradigm for the discovery and analysis of health data in Europe, by building a large-scale, federated network of data sources standardized to a common data model.

This deliverable describes the development and implementation process of procedures for the certification of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and onboarding of Data Partners in the EHDEN eco-system. The SMEs are trained to provide services to Data Partners to standardise their health data to the OMOP Common Data Model and install the analytical infrastructure for federated study execution.

We discuss how we worked closely with “WP 4 – Technical Implementation”, our stakeholders, and IMI, to come to a first version of the procedures that are tested in Pilot Calls and are further optimized in upcoming calls.

This deliverable is complementary to “D7.1 - Full package on EHDEN open calls for applications” that presents the procedures in more detail and contains several artefacts that resulted from the work described in this deliverable. The focus in this deliverable is primarily on the application portals for both types of calls and the initial work done to develop the EHDEN Academy.


WP5 - D5.1 - Report on SME Certification Procedure and Data Source Grant Awarding developed and implemented.pdf

Additional details


EHDEN – European Health Data and Evidence Network 806968
European Commission