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Published December 20, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Збереження і музеєфікація історичних об'єктів в Китаї / Protection and Museuming of Chinese Historical Objects

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • 1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The article raises the problem of museuming objects of European heritage of North (German) National Romanticism in China. The example of the former Governor's residence, and later the China’s Government House of Guest, shows how the historic site has been transformed into a monument of national importance and at the same time a museum object. The specifics of the preservation of historical sites in Qingdao are characterized.

In Art Nouveau in China the international tendencies of European Art Nouveau interlaced with traditional Chinese architecture and gave the birth to the original Art Nouveau in China.

It is necessary to mark that the A.N. from one part of China to another differed so considerable. For example, the A.N. objects in German colony Qingdao differ from such objects at Russian settlement in Harbin, Shenyang and Dalyan. In Qingdao A.N. arose the original appearance in representative buildings – the original Chinese interpretation of North (German) National Romanticism. These objects are similar to the objects of National Romanticism in Northern Europe but they included the combination of European and Chinese traditions.

The most famous architects of German National Romanticism who worked in Qingdao were Lazarowicz Werner (the author of the Gouverneur House, built in 1907) and Curt Rothkegel (the author of the Christian Gospel church, built in 1908-1910). President Mao lived in the Governor's house in 1957, and since 1999 the building has been granted the status of a museum and monument of national importance, while fully preserving the authenticity of architecture and furniture.



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