Published October 28, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Qualitative interview data: The deployment of humanoid robots in libraries

  • 1. Central and Regional Library Berlin


In the qualitative study guideline interviews were conducted with library staff who use a humanoid robot in their library in Germany. Three of five interview transcripts were allowed to publish under restricted access

Components of the Interview and content of the transcripts

In the interviews it was asked about the context of the acquisition of a humanoid robot, the deployment of the humanoid in a library, challenges and positive effects in connection with the deployment of the humanoid. Furthermore it was asked what advice the interviewees would give to a colleague who wants to buy a humanoid like the one owned by the institution. Finally, the future plans for the use of the humanoid in the own institution were of interest as well as the assessment of the deployment of humanoid robots in libraries in general.


You may find the master thesis associated with this record via this link:



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